Chapter Twenty-Six

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Caleb and I walk into the cafeteria the next day with our hands locked.

Last night, after we'd slid back into my house, we'd talked over his story again in quiet voices, and then we'd fallen asleep.

We don't know what the next few days will bring. Michael could show up at school and demand to take Caleb home. What would he do then? Running away from home was a lot worse than opening the drapes.

We had agreed that Caleb could stay in our guest room until we sort something out. This morning, after sneaking Caleb out the house, I had asked Jace, and he'd said that as long as he stays in the guest room, it's fine.

But it is lunch, and Michael still hadn't shown. Neither did the police, who could be looking for Caleb.

We take our seats on our normal table, and chat causally while waiting for Liam and Abigail.

Suddenly, they walk through the door. Almost every jaw in the cafeteria drops, including mine and Caleb's.

Liam's arm is looped around Abigail's petite waist, and they're lips brush against each other's. When they pull apart, they stroll to our table, still snuggled up against each other.

Both me and Caleb stare at them for a second while they're still gazing up at each other.

I open my mouth to say something but snap it shut again.

"Did we miss something, or...?" Caleb starts.

They don't even hear him, as they're too busy murmuring to each other with their lips just inches apart.

Caleb snaps his fingers in front of them impatiently and they both jump out of their heavy daze.

"Oh, hey guys, when did you get here?" Liam asks. I notice how close their seats are. Right up against each other.

"We've been sat here for ages, before you got here," I reply, raising an eyebrow.

Caleb shoots me a look that says he's just as confused as I am.

"So, you two, huh?" I ask, not being able to help grinning.

Abigail laughs and blushes. "I guess so."

"Hey, Liam, you wanna come help me get some forks?" I suggest, and he nods slowly, confused as to why I can't get them myself but not saying anything.

As we make it to the back of the cafeteria where the utensils are kept, I ask, "When did that happen?"

"Well, when I took Abigail home after we all hung at Caleb's, she fell asleep in the car. I didn't wanna wake her, so I picked her up, got the key from her purse, and carried her into her house. Her parents were both doing night shifts at work, and so she asked me in her sleepy haze to stay with her. And so I did."

He shuffles on his feet. "And she looked so pretty, I...I kissed her. And she kissed me back. And then she fell asleep in my arms."

I grin genuinely. "I'm so happy for you, Liam."

"I wouldn't have done it without you, Lena. If I wasn't in your group, I wouldn't have even met her, so thank you."

"No problem."

He runs his hand through his hair and sighs contentedly, gazing at her from afar. Abigail and Caleb are talking happily.

"I thought she would forget what happened last night. But in the morning, she remembered everything, thank God," he murmurs, still watching her.

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