Chapter Four

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At the end of the lesson, I am left feeling as baffled as I was the day before.

How does he do that?

At lunch, I shuffle into the cafeteria with my eyes trained on the floor. An image of Caleb's face flickers through my mind, and it takes every ounce of strength I have to push it away.

I sit on my own again, like usual, and gaze out the window. I don't turn to observe Phoebe's table, knowing that what- or more specifically, who- I see there will just leave me feeling disappointed again.

My thoughts seem to have driven off my appetite, and so my sandwich and apple lie untouched in front of me.

Taking a swig of my soda, I stare into the distance absently.

But when someone sits in front of me, I nearly projectile spit my soda all over them.

Especially when I catch a glimpse of his handsome face.


I gulp down my soda, and then place it to the side, wincing at the bubbles ecstatically exploding in the back of my throat.

I hadn't noticed what he was wearing today in biology, but seeing him this close forces me to notice everything.

He is wearing a black shirt and dark blue pants, with black sneakers on his feet. His body was covered with his thick hoodie yesterday, but his shirt today emphasises just how muscly he is. I can practically see the toned outlines of his abs in his shirt. I'm surprised he hasn't been recruited for the school's precious sports teams yet. In fact, he probably already has. What sort of a junior is that toned?

I avert my eyes away, hoping more than anything he didn't see me staring.

He smiles widely, hair messy and perfect at the same time. "What're you doing here by yourself?"

"I thought Phoebe would've told you all about it yesterday," I grunt, rolling my eyes a fraction.

"Sure, she told me you're a loner, and then called you some other things." His gaze shifts uncomfortably. "But, lucky enough for you, I don't listen to people like her."

His response makes me chuckle lightly. Realising what he had just made me do, I bite my lip and freeze in place.

We fall into a comfortable silence as he stares out the window, not noticing my abrupt silence, and marvelling at the greenery outside.

"She's right," I say out of nowhere.

"Huh?" He turns back to me, raising an eyebrow.

"Phoebe's right. I am a loner."


"That's a good question," I remark, sitting back slightly in my seat, while he leans forward, intrigued. "I'm sure Phoebe would be happy to tell you."

"So you're a bit of a lone wolf, huh?" he asks, nodding as he thinks it over in his head.

I release a slight laugh. And there it is again.

"Something like that," I reply, trying to free myself from his burning green gaze by staring at the apple in front of me.

"You gonna eat that?" he questions, pointing at the ripe apple.

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