We took turns in the mirror as we got ready. There synchronicity of our movements was comforting. I️ couldn't wait to wake up and do this with her every morning. That was another thing I️ added to my mental list. Where was our relationship going? The rough part was over, I️ hoped, but what did the future look like? Nicki loved me but was she serious about me? Or would I️ end up on Media Takeout as the next hip hop hoochie?

 Where was our relationship going? The rough part was over, I️ hoped, but what did the future look like? Nicki loved me but was she serious about me? Or would I️ end up on Media Takeout as the next hip hop hoochie?

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"I️ did my own makeup and it actually looks great." Nicki said of her reflection in her hand mirror.

We were en route to our studio session after making a quick stop through McDonald's drive thru for hash browns, orange juice, and sandwiches. I️ was me who begged for the stop. I'd worked up an appetite after Nicki's little stunt this morning. I️ thanked God in Heaven that Kelly didn't so much as sneeze the entire time. She slept like a rock-so much so that I️ had to leave a note on the refrigerator for when she woke up.

There was probably a better time and place to bring it up but then I️ thought, alone time with Nicki doesn't come too often. I️ blurted out my question just as she took a huge bite of her hash brown.

"Are you gonna marry me?"

Nicki coughed so hard the entire piece flew out of her throat and hit the headrest beside me. It bounced off the tight leather and fell sullenly to the seat. I️ stared at the wet hunk. Guess that was my answer.

She continued coughing, being overly dramatic as she sipped her orange juice. "Wait what?"

"Marriage. You heard what I️ said." I️ sighed.

Nicki was incredulous. "Bey it's been like 5 months!"

"6 on the 12th." I️ corrected her.

"Two of those months we weren't even seeing each other! Courtesy of you."

I️ tilted my head. "What?" That was complete bullshit and she knew it. "The reason we weren't seeing each other is because you lied! You slept with Meek and you lied about it! Don't try to flip this shit on me."

"I'm not. I'm sorry. This is just like out of clear blue sky you bring up marri-"

"So it's okay to fuck me in the same bed as my best friend but not to marry me?" I️ snatched two tissues from the armrest next to Nicki.

I️t wasn't Nicki making me sniffly, it was the weather change. The temperature was supposed to get up 70 but it was at a nippy 63 now.

"Bey.." Nicki paused for emphasis. "I️ really don't want to get into it with you. Not this morning of all mornings." I️ opened my mouth to respond. "That doesn't mean that this is the end of this discussion or that you don't make a valid point, but it's...can we please talk about this another time?"

I️ took a quiet bite of my sausage biscuit and looked out the window. I️ wasn't trying to start an argument I️ was just looking for some answers. Our relationship wasn't exactly dripping with security.

Real Eyes: Book 1 ✅Where stories live. Discover now