Exactly What I Need

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The following morning, Merlin fumed as he waited for Gaius to wake. The second Gaius stepped out of his bedroom, Merlin shot up from his seat at the table.

"Gaius!" He nearly shouted, "You were helping Arthur learn the truth about me yesterday?! How could you do that to me?"

"Merlin," Gaius said calmly, "I didn't tell him anything..."

"But you showed him exactly where to look!"

"Well," Gaius stuttered, "Well, Merlin I just want you to be happy!"

"It will make me happy if you respect my wishes, Gaius!" Merlin shook his head.

"But please see reason," Gaius pleaded, "Arthur loves you, he just doesn't know it."

"Stop," Merlin said hollowly, "You sound like Gwen."

"She's a wise girl!" Gaius answered.

"What you both don't seem to understand," Merlin spoke, "is that he's the king. And I'm his servant."

"Arthur doesn't care about that and you know it," Gaius countered, "You're just afraid."

Merlin ground his teeth silently. Deep down he knew Gaius was right. He was afraid.

"Arthur is accepting of anyone of good character," Gaius said, "No matter if they're highborn or not."

They were silent for a long moment.

"I just," Merlin finally spoke quietly, "I just couldn't bear it if he rejected me. If I told him how I feel and he didn't return my feelings."

Gaius smiled, "Oh to be young, and to feel love's keen sting."


As mid-morning approached, a line of young men formed outside the palace, corralled into a line by guards.

Merlin stopped abruptly at the sight of them as he started to cross the courtyard. Gwen appeared beside him, looking somewhere between amused and concerned.

"What is this?" Merlin asked her.

She tipped her head in the direction of the queued young men, "Those are all the gentlemen claiming to be the masked man," she smirked.

"What?!" Merlin asked incredulously, "But they're all..," he glanced around and lowered his voice, "but they're all lying!"

Gwen shrugged, "Well if the real masked man would just come forward.." she grinned.

"This isn't funny, Gwen," Merlin said through clenched teeth, "if these men are all lying to try and get with Arthur, they...they obviously can't be trusted and could pose a security threat!"

"A security threat?" Gwen mimicked, "Honestly Merlin, you're going to have to do better than that."

"What are you on about now?" He asked, disgruntled.

"Cut the bollocks, Merlin," she said bluntly, "You're jealous."

"Jealous?" He sneered, "of these...clowns?" He shook his head. "Someone has to do something about this," he gestured to the queue.

"Yeah, you," she said simply.

Merlin breathed heavily, eyeing the men with resentment.

"Oh, Merlin," Gwen said, a little more soothingly, "how you torture yourself."


Merlin rushed into Arthur's chambers and found that he was already up and dressed.

"Sorry you rushed over here, Merlin," Arthur said kindly, "I decided to wake early this morning and get a head start."

A Merthur Cinderella StoryWhere stories live. Discover now