Half of His Heart

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By the following morning, there were posters plastered all over Camelot with a bold-lettered headline: Are You the Masked Man? And then smaller lettering underneath read: You dropped a valued item when you fled, please come to the castle to retrieve it. And underneath that, even smaller read simply: Please tell me who you are -Arthur Pendragon.


Merlin had fled the whole way back to his quarters, hurried past a confused Gaius, and practically flung himself into his bedroom, shutting the door behind him.

He took off the mask and carefully laid it aside as he sat on the bed panting. He had never run so hurriedly in his life. He had never felt so panicked. He wasn't sure what had frightened so much. Morgana's wrath perhaps. Or maybe the prospect of being caught and found out.

On the other hand, half of his heart was soaring. He had danced with Arthur. Had kissed Arthur, and it had all been incredible. The way Arthur had looked into his eyes...

But Merlin couldn't help but feel that Arthur was enamored by Masked Merlin, someone who didn't really exist. Surely Arthur would never have acted as he did if it had been just Merlin. He was just Merlin. Not someone who could ever strike a fancy in Arthur's heart.


Arthur was tired, but hopeful. He had been up all night making poster after poster to distribute throughout Camelot, determined to appeal to the masked man.

Surely he would want his missing cufflink back. It was heavy silver, shined to perfection, clearly valuable and cared for. Arthur hoped it were enough to make the mystery man come forward.

He just couldn't shake the notion that he belonged with this man. It was the oddest thing, because after all he barely knew him. Right?

But then there was also the familiarity of the man that he couldn't shake.

He could only hope that whoever the mystery man was, he would come forward and reveal his identity. And then maybe they could be together. If the man wanted him, that is.


Merlin was beginning to wake from his slumber and his muddled brain wondered for an instant if everything from the previous night had been a dream.

Gwen came bursting into his room holding a paper in her hands.

"Merlin! Wake up! You have to see this," she said.

Merlin grumbled and rubbed his eyes, sitting up and looking at Gwen, confused.

"What's that?" He asked indicating the paper.

She handed it to him. He had to read it a few times over to actually believe what it said, and what it implied.

"Oh no," Merlin mumbled, "No, no, no."

"I thought you'd be pleased," Gwen's brow scrunched, "Merlin, you really struck a chord with him. Arthur wants you."

"No," Merlin corrected, "He wants the Masked Man."

"But that's you!" Gwen said incredulously.

"But he doesn't want me, Gwen, don't you understand?" He said, his voice thick with pain, "He's never indicated to me that he sees me as anything more than a friend."

"How can you be so naive?" Gwen asked in disbelief, "You are always the one he wants by his side. Yours is the opinion he values above all others.."

"And yet he's never shown romantic interest in me," Merlin said quietly.

"He did last night," Gwen answered hopefully.

"Only because he didn't know it was me."

"I think you're wrong," Gwen said, "I think it's precisely because it was you. He just hasn't realized it yet."

There was a long silence.

"You have to tell him," Gwen encouraged.

"No," Merlin shook his head, "I'll spare both he and I the humiliation."

"Well I hope you'll reconsider," Gwen sighed and left him in peace.

Merlin held his head in his hands and tried to hold back the tears that threatened to well in his eyes.

On one hand he had gotten what he always wanted; a romantic evening with Arthur, touching him, holding him, kissing him.

But the night had ended, and in the cold light of day Merlin knew it was all over.

He could forever cherish the memories of last night. At least that was something.

He would never own Arthur's heart, he knew.

And yet...

Arthur had said he seemed familiar, and didn't seem deterred by that.

And what he had said about Merlin's eyes... How the precise shade of them was his favorite color. Why would that be?

No, Merlin couldn't let himself hope.


With great difficulty, Merlin went on his way to work. Part of him hoped Arthur wouldn't be in his chambers. Part hoped he was.

As he entered, Arthur was at his table studying something small he held between his fingers. Merlin's heart fluttered at the sight of him with his blonde hair tousled and his eyes sleepy.

Arthur was holding the triskelion cufflink. Merlin had been in such a frenzy the night before that he only realized he'd dropped it when he read Arthur's flyer.

"Merlin," Arthur smiled happily, "Come here."

For the tiniest second, Merlin thought Arthur knew.

He approached the table and Arthur handed him the cufflink.

Merlin must have looked shocked because after a moment Arthur said, "Yeah I've never seen that symbol either. I was going to ask if you had. Maybe in one of Gaius' books?"

"No..." Merlin said slowly, "I haven't."

Arthur seemed deep in thought. "I'll have to check the court library."

He hastily made his way to the door.

"What, you're going now?" Merlin asked.

"Of course I'm going now," Arthur answered simply.

"But sir," Merlin started, "You're the King. Surely there's more important business to attend to."

"Merlin," Arthur sighed, "I don't expect you to understand. This person...I can't quite explain how they made me feel. Anyway, I am giving finding him the utmost importance."

"You don't expect me to understand?" Merlin repeated, unable to hide the hurt in his voice.

"I didn't mean anything hurtful by it," Arthur said, "I just mean that...you know...you..."

Merlin crossed his arms. "I, what?"

"You know, you're not interested in romantic relationships and all that."

Merlin raised his eyebrows, "I'm not?"

"I..." Arthur stammered, "I thought you weren't."

"I guess there's a lot you don't know about me," Merlin stated coldly as he stepped past Arthur and out the door.

A Merthur Cinderella StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon