Morgana's Plan

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Though Merlin was dreading seeing Arthur romance other people, he had to admit he was looking forward to seeing Arthur in that splendid outfit.

It wasn't just that Arthur was exceedingly beautiful in appearance. No, it was more than that, Merlin knew. Arthur emitted an air of regality, that of a true king, who was so beloved by his people. Sunshine seemed to pour from him, and though his tongue was sometimes sharp, he was never cruel. He teased Merlin, but that was their relationship. Merlin knew that Arthur trusted him and kept him by his side above all others. Merlin loved his place by Arthur's side. He only wished Arthur could see him in the way he saw Arthur. That he could return his feelings.

Arthur had seemed a little anxious about the Ball. Merlin decided he was now glad to attend the Ball, in case Arthur needed him. Merlin would be there for him like always.

Merlin even dug out the only heirloom he'd ever received, a beautiful shining pair of cufflinks in the shape of a triskelion.

Just as he'd laid them out on the dresser, there was an urgent knock on the door.

Merlin opened the door to find one of the palace kitchen maids, looking nervous and breathless.

"Anna?" Merlin asked confused, "What's wrong?"

"The Lady Morgana has sent me," she said, "Um, you're needed in her chambers."

"Morgana's chambers?" Merlin was confused. Arthur was the one he worked for after all. "But why? It's almost time for the Ball..."

"Oh, um," she stuttered nervously, "She said she only needs you briefly, it shouldn't take long."

A confused Merlin made his way to Morgana's chambers. He didn't know what she could possibly need of him. She rarely even spoke to him.

Hesitantly he knocked on her door.

"Thank goodness, Merlin," she ushered him in, "I'm in desperate need of your help!"

"What can I do, my Lady?" Merlin asked kindly.

"My entire wardrobe," she cried, "Someone has tried to ruin all of my clothes!"

"Who? What?" Merlin was trying to make sense of this bizarre situation.

"I don't know who would do such a thing," she shook her head, "I just opened up my wardrobe and someone has thrown wine all over my dresses. I left my chambers unlocked, someone must have just snuck in."

"I'm...I'm sorry," Merlin said uncomfortably. "But what is it you need from me?"

"My maid Gwen is at her home taking care of her ailing father," she said in a falsely sad voice, "And Anna is only a kitchen maid."

Merlin looked at her blankly. "So, you want me to...?"

"I need you to clean all of these dresses," she stated, "If the wine sets too long they'll all be stained and ruined. This is a time-sensitive matter."

"I..." Merlin didn't know what to say. Who in the castle would splatter wine onto Morgana's dresses? And what did it matter to her if she had to get all new dresses? She could certainly afford it.

She looked at him with a brow arched, daring him to defy her.

"Of course, my Lady," he tried to sound patient.


Merlin was tirelessly soaking Morgana's many dresses and applying a mixture to lift the stains. He was working hard but fast, knowing that the Ball was nearing.

Morgana's dress for the Ball had conveniently remained untarnished as she had kept it in a different place than her regular dresses. Or so she'd told Merlin. She was dressed and ready to go as she approached Merlin. When he saw that she was ready to go he realized it must be time for the Ball to begin.

"The Ball's about to start," she told him, "But it looks like you've only got one more dress left, so you'll be able to join us there shortly I'm sure."

"Alright," Merlin sighed, "See you there."

She smirked as she left the chambers, locking the door from the outside, unbeknownst to Merlin.

A Merthur Cinderella StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin