This is what comes out of writers block...enjoy

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A/N: This chapter/section/conversation is a bit religious at the beginning. So if you have some thing for not reading religious stuff then skip the beginning. Go down to Mello entering.

I'm also kinda running out of ideas for these conversations because NO ONE WILL GIVE ME SUGGESTIONS AND I HAVE WRITERS BLOCK. So if you have suggestions, they will be greatly appreciated. But if you don't give a crap continue reading what may be the last IM.


(NotKira has started a conversation)

(IceCreamAndCake has joined the conversation)

(Apples has joined the conversation)

IceCreamAndCake: Light, do you believe in God?

Apples: heh heh heh heh.

NotKira: I believe in a higher power who judges the good and evil. But not really God per say.

IceCreamAndCake: Hmm...Interesting. Okay then.

NotKira: Do you believe in God Ryuzaki?

IceCreamAndCake: Yes. I do believe there is a person up there somewhere watching over us and passing judgement.

NotKira: I see. Is that why you don't think Kira is the god of the new world?

IceCreamAndCake: Not only that. Killing and passing judgement on people is wrong too.

(GunsAndChocolate has joined the conversation)

GunsAndChocolate: SUP BITCHES?!

NotKira: Would you shut up? We were in the middle of a serious conversation.

GunsAndChocolate: Yeah. So?

NotKira: You can't just come in here and start yelling and messing up other people conversations. It's not polite.

GunsAndChocolate: Who ever said I was polite? And what about you Kira? Killing people isn't polite either.

NotKira: I

NotKira: Am

GunsAndChocolate: Kira

NotKira: NOT KIRA! I am not Kira!

GunsAndChocolate: Uh-huh. Sure. Think whatever you like but when I find you, you're going to have a nice bullet in your head.

NotKira: Good luck finding me then.

IceCreamAndCake: His name is Light Yagami and he's at headquarters in Japan, Kanto region.

GunsAndChocolate: Right. Thanks L. I'm coming for you Im-a-gay.

(GunsAndChocolate has left the conversation)

NotKira: L! What'd you do that for?!

IceCreamAndCake: You killed me. Now I'm stuck the afterlife with BB and his...ways.

NotKira: I didn't kill you. Rem did.

IceCreamAndCake: You planned it all. Now my successors are going to find you and kill you.

NotKira: That's a bit dark for you L, isn't it?

IceCreamAndCake: I'm in the afterlife. It's always dark here.

NotKira: I thought you had Starbucks.

IceCreamAndCake: I prefer not to go out in public.

NotKira: Why not?

IceCreamAndCake: Dead people. Everywhere.

(Jam1313 has joined the conversation)

Jam1313: Are you having a conversation and didn't invite me? How rude of you L.

IceCreamAndCake: GO AWAY.

NotKira: I think he's snapped.

Jam1313: Aw. That's not nice, L.

NotKira: So you're the legendary BB?

Jam1313: Yes. The one you killed, mind you.

NotKira: I am not Kira! For the last time! I do not kill people with heart attacks!

Jam1313: What's the date?

NotKira: January 27th. Why do you ask?

Jam1313: No reason. Zozozozozozozozo.

NotKira: What the heck is that about?

Jam1313: What?

NotKira: The 'zozozozozozozozozozo'

IceCreamAndCake: Its him. Laughing.

NotKira: That's not creepy.

NotKira: Wow! Look at the time! I must be off!

(NotKira has left the conversation)

Jam1313: Just us now L.

(IceCreamAndCake has left the conversation)

Jam1313: No fun. No fun at all.

(IamNumberOne has joined the conversation)

Jam1313: Hello. How are you?

(IamNumberOne has left the conversation)

Jam1313: No fun.

Jam1313: I wonder if you can kill a dead person...

(Jam1313 has left the conversation)

Apples: Humans are...interesting. Even dead ones.

Apples: heh heh heh heh heh.

(Apples has left the conversation)

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