BB Breaks Misa

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Jam1313 has made a conversation.

Jam1313: Now I just have to wait for someone to fall prey to my trap. 

Jam1313: They'll never see it coming.

Jam1313: Zozozozozo. I can't wait. I hope it is L. 

I'maSTAR!!! has joined the conversation.

Jam1313: Oh jam. Not you. 

I'maSTAR!!!: What? Hello? Who are you? Is Light here? Is L here?

Jam1313: Seeing as you can not see the obvious, I will point it out for you. No one is here but me. And allow me to introduce myself. I am BB.

I'maSTAR!!!: BB? What kind of name is that? Never mind that~! I'm Misa Amane! Aren't you just starstruck? I could send a special picture for you~.

Jam1313: I have no idea who you are or what you mean by special picture. 

I'maSTAR!!!: You....don't know who I am?

Jam1313: Never heard of you.

I'maSTAR!!!: WHat? You must have! I'm famous in Japan and other countries too!

Jam1313: I am positive I have never heard of you.

Jam1313: We don't get too much news about current icons in the afterlife.

I'maSTAR!!!: THe AFTErlIFe? WHAt?!

Jam1313: Oh yes. I should've mentioned I am dead. Although Starbucks has great wifi here. 

I'maSTAR!!!: DEAd?! YoU HAVEN"T heaRD of MOI?!

Jam1313: Are you alright?

I'maSTAR!!!: YOU"Re deaD?!!!!! WHAAAt?!

Jam1313: I think I broke her. 

I'maSTAR!!!: I...DUNNO anyMORE. 

Jam1313: .......I would have never thought I would have broken her. 

Jam1313: Hello?

Jam1313: Are you there anymore?

Jam1313: She must've have fainted.

Jam1313: Or died.

Jam1313: I think I shall go check.

Jam1313 has discontinnued the conversation. 

Death Note IMingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon