The Great Fangirl, LxLight Forever?

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IceCreamAndCake has made a

sexybeast has joined the conversation.

FutureMrsL is dragged into the conversation by sexybeast.

IceCreamAndCake: Hello. Who might you be?

sexybeast: mwahahaha.

IceCreamAndCake: I am the real L last time I checked. Hello Bella. It's a pleasure meeting your acquaintance.

sexybeast: I'll give you two some alone time~

sexybeast has left the conversation.

FutureMrsL: Ohmigosh! It's really you! I've always dreamed of this! I am a humongous fan! I apologize for using your name, and if it makes you feel better, I'm EXTREMELY embarrassed right now!

FutureMrsL: Oh, and I like cake and ice cream too ~<3 although I'm afraid if I eat too much, i'll become fat... MATT!? WHERE ARE YOU GOING!? WHY LEAVE ME AND MY CRUSH ALONEEEE!?

IceCreamAndCake: I never get fat. My assumption is if you think enough as me,you'll burn all the calories off.

IceCreamAndCake: Crush? What do you mean by that?

NotKira has entered the conversation.

FutureMrsL: Nothing... I kinda um like you.... Hi Kira!

IceCreamAndCake: Ah. I only assumed
as much since your username clearly points out you will be Mrs. L

NotKira: Not. Kira.

FutureMrsL: ~<3 I love you L. Light, I know it's you. I can use my ninja skills to kick your rump! *hisses and hugs L* Mine. You no hurt him, I no hurt you.

NotKira: L, once you're done playing
with your girlfriend, the investigation must continue. We've hit a wall and we need no distractions.

IceCreamAndCake: Light, you must be mistaken. This young lady is not my girlfriend. I do not even know her in person or her age. It's just a conversation. There is no need to be jealous.

NotKira: I am not jealous. I am only thinking about the case first.

IceCreamAndCake: Ah. I am 99% sure you are jealous. For what reason? I still don't know.

FutureMrsL: heh, im 18 if you want to know. LIGHT I SWEAR I WOULDN'T BE ON HERE IF I WAS HIS GIRLFRIEND! I'D HUG HIM AND SQUEEZE HIM AND CALL HIM CUPPYCAKE! Sorry fangirl moment. *Pokes Light* Hi, and yes, I know your name, thank you L.

FutureMrsL: And you know you're jealous of my future sexy husband XD

NotKira: I AM NOT JEALOUS. Just because I deny something, doesn't mean I am lying.

IceCreamAndCake: Ah 18. I remember when I was 18. I cracked the Hiyomi case. It was child's play. Anyway, you may be jealous, Light but you're right. I must focus on the case more. It seems the Internet has become more of distraction than I thought. It was a pleasure meeting you Bella.

FutureMrsL: Awwww are you sure you have to go? Oh, and way to make me feel stupid. I turn 19 next month. I'm actually very intelligent, but I like being stupid in places other than school. Great job L! I'm very proud.Um, sorry for rambling. Love you L! Bye ^^ I hope to see you in the future ;)

IceCreamAndCake: It's alright.
Everyone seems stupid compared to me.

NotKira: Wow. Full of yourself huh?

IceCreamAndCake: I don't know what you're implying. I'm just stating the truth.

IceCreamAndCake: Ah yes. I do have to go it seems. Goodbye Bella

FutureMrsL: Oh um, okay, bye... *Self esteem plummets*

NotKira kicks FutureMrsL out of the conversation.

NotKira: L, you can't just flirt with girls in the middle of a case.

IceCreamAndCake: I wasn't flirting.

IceCreamAndCake: I do not flirt.

NotKira: If you say so.

NotKira: Besides, I was the one who called dibs on you.

IceCreamAndCake: Dibs? What's dibs?

NotKira: Nothing. Just turn off the chat and focus on the case.

IceCreamAndCake: Dibs? What's dibs Light?

NotKira has left the conversation.

IceCreamAndCake: Dang flab it.

IceCreamAndCake has left the conversation.

Death Note IMingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora