Chapter 8: Orders from the boss

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Rosaline's Pov

On his table, I saw my phone. I  went to grab it off when the phone vibrated and a new text received message appeared. Looking over my shoulder, I noticed that Vladimir was pouring a glass of whisky. I opened it and saw a message from Adam. 

"Hey babe, I'm back from Seattle and I was thinking that we could go on a date. If you are interested reply back. Love you!"

Suddenly, my phone was out of my hands and an angry Vladimir was standing near me. 

Oh no, he doesn't seem happy!

"What is this? Who gave you the right to touch that phone?"

It's mine, isn't it and Adam is my boyfriend.

"Not anymore, you are going to break-up or else I can kill him but something tell me that you would be angry at me, not that I care but I don't want my future wife being angry at me.

Your what? I would never be yours, I prefer being on my deathbed than marrying with you.

He started grinding his teeth. 

"Anastasiya, come here!" he ordered to someone. 

Some time later, a pretty brunette came in.

"Возьмите ее в свою новую комнату, тогда вы собираетесь подготовить обед. Верни ее сюда, как только закончишь." he ordered before the girl dragged me towards a door. It was next to his office.

(Take her to her new room then you are going to prepare her lunch. Bring her back here once you have finished.)

The room was quite impressive

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The room was quite impressive. A knock was heard on the door, the maid brought a tray filled with very appetizing dishes followed  by a little girl who came running in. 

"Sophia don't run around, didn't I tell you that you could fall and inure yourself."

"Sorry mama" she said with a sad little pout. 

When she noticed me she stopped abruptly before hugging my legs.

"Hi" she giggled before dashing out of the room.

Your daughter? I asked the brunette.

"Yeah, she is Sophia, Vladimir's niece." she said before trying to feed me.

Hey, go and get your daughter while I finished, okay.

She nodded her head before dashing out of the room after locking behind her.

The food was tasty however too spicy. I noticed some books on the bed. Taking one I started reading while waiting for her return but she never came back. 

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