Chapter 7: The Gift (Part 1)

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                Except for the strange attack, the home was actually very comfortable. It wasn't the lap of luxury that the young ruler and his friend were used to but, it had its own charms, and the old man was quite friendly to them as well.

"I hope that you do not find fault in me questioning you but, when you saw us, you didn't seem very shocked at all." Vlad said, a bit of a confused tone still present in his voice. The old man suddenly stopped and turned his body to look at the two young men.

                "Let us discuss the reason you have come, you will find that the two events and the questions surrounding them, coincide. Follow me."

He led them down a long hallway until they reached a small room. The old man opened the door and stepped aside so the two younger men could enter but something stopped Vlad in his tracks. He felt something.... Something familiar and yet.... He couldn't quite figure it out. That's when they saw it, laying on a small table on the far end of the otherwise empty room, a feather. It was white, like the blanket that covered the ground in the winter months. Unlike other bird feathers he had seen, the veins separating each fragment were a pure white color, it seemed as though the entire thing was glowing brightly. And there was something emanating from it, a cold sweat took over Vlad and then Sivore stepped forward.

                 "Wh...why, why do you have that cursed thing!" He growled turning to the old man, his pupils turning a brilliant blue like a fire. The old man merely looked at him.

"Clam down!" He demanded. Just then Sivore could feel his entire body freeze, he couldn't move, not an inch. As if an external force was keeping him tied to that spot.

"Its familiar...." Vlad said quietly.

"Indeed, but it is not what you believe it to be. Tell me young Vivoide, the blackness of the dark, do you feel it?" The old man asked.

"No but..."

"I suppose, it is story time." The old man said cutting him off.

Day 1: The Beginning
200 Years Ago:

                The young boy looked up into the blue sky, as though trying to remember something, something he had lost. His eyes glazed over like clouds. The dream he had, the night before, still resonated in his mind. He could remember every sight, every smell, every sensation, as though the dream itself were taking him physically through the years of his life. But, who was she? The one, his constant companion?
He inhaled deeply, taking in the dewy morning air. He had been sent out by his mother to check the crops, but once again, he was lost in his own mind.

                 "Huh?...." The boy turned as he heard the soft voice in his mind. He gasped as he turned and headed for the crops he had been told to watch.

'Looks like it'll be a good harvest this year.' He thought as he knelt down checking the soil by pressing his fingertips lightly down and pressing. There was still a few weeks left until spring and so, the seedlings had not even begun to sprout yet, but the season had brought plenty of rain so at least the plants would not suffer. He smiled as he begun to pick himself up.


                 'Huh?.....' He looked up as he heard something from above. He squinted his eyes to see if he could get a better look when suddenly, he noticed something falling from the tree.



                  Quickly he picked himself up and ran towards the spot looking down. "Are.... are you ok?" He asked looking down, he saw the back of the figures head, its hair was long, dark and wavy. A barely audible muffled noise came from the ground. Getting closer, the boy gently tapped the figure on the shoulder.

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