Chapter 1: Plea and Refusal

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                    "You cannot be serious! We need a new plan, we cannot keep going like this!" The young regal man stomped his foot glaring at his taller counterpart as he shook his head.

"I will not compromise the humanity of my people!" The young man shot back as he rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"HOW CAN YOU BE SO BLIND! Our people are dying in this forsaken war! Every day, more and more of our friends, our family, your subjects are swallowed by it!" The man's cheeks turned blood red as she shouted.

                   "You don't think I know that?...." The taller man said quietly as he downcast his eyes as he slumped down into his large rustique throne. The two individuals had, had this same argument over and over and things were simply beginning to deteriorate.

"I hate this.... The young man sighed as he stood in front of the one in the throne. Vlad, I'm not trying to undermine you, you understand that correct?" Vlad raised his hand to quiet the young man.

"I know that Sivore, war brings out the worst part of us, however, that is exactly why, we cannot let our humanity slip away. That is the most important thing about life in this time." He said crossing his arms.

                   "Ok, so, when exactly did you become so wise and philosophical?" The young man known as Sivore asked as he watched his friend. Vlad sighed as he reached over to the marble table next to him and plucked the tall crown from its place fitting it onto his head.

"Becoming Voivode has forced both of us to grow up. That's one of the many consequences of all this." He said. Suddenly, the large double doors suddenly flew open.

                    A middle age man in an an overcoat ran in stepping inside and dropped to his knees he brought his arm across his chest looking up at the young man on the throne. Voivode Tepes. I'm..... I'm afraid, I have grave news." The man's voice was shaking as he dropped his head further.

                    "Rise and state your news." The young man said. Slowly, the man climbed back to his feet.

"The enemy has infiltrated the west wall. They a small group impersonated the guard, I'm afraid.... Your second-born has stricken ill..." The young Voivode rose to his feet reaching back onto the left arm of his throne. His body was shaking, he could feel his heart in his throat.

"By what means?.... " He asked quietly.

                     "It would appear, poison. He was partaking of a meal, one of the false guardsmen served him. The fruit was tainted." The Soldier looked at his leader as the other young man stepped forward.

"Leave us." He said sternly. The soldier bowed down low.

"Excuse me." He said before getting up leaving out the same large door he had come from.

                      The young man turned to his young leader. "Still believe we do not need assistance? There is no possible explanation for that act except if the enemy is somehow being provided with intelligence. This cannot be allowed to continue!" He said in a tone which sounded more like a plea rather than a statement of a matter of fact.

"It cannot end either, not like that." The young Voivode stated. He wrung his hands slowly as he stood up. "I need to go see my beloved." He walked past the young man and stopped just within earshot. "Please Sivore, drop this." He pleaded softly before leaving through the same door the soldier had just moments before.

                      After a few moments, Sivore made his way towards the palace entrance and knocked three times. In a few seconds, the same middle-aged soldier came back in. Sivore stood back a bit.

"Rally the troops." He said.

                      "What exactly are you going to do? The soldier asked. The Voivode was clear that we are not to visit that place." He pointed out.

                      Sivore crossed his arms shaking his head. "As the Voivode's top advisor and best friend, it is my obligation to point out when he is making a mistake and, when he continues constantly, that obligation turns into a duty to do what I think is right. He said I am going to take a small group of brave souls to that cavern and we are going to unlock the secret of what's there. This war must end." He said with an amount of finality in his voice. With a bit of hesitation, the soldier finally nodded resuming his state of prostration.

"Right away." He said before getting up and heading out of the palace with Sivore close in tow.

                   "We have soldiers spread around throughout the inside areas of the border and beyond, the only way that we'll actually be able to reach them is to send a carrier." Putting his fingers to his lips he let out a loud rhythmic whistle.

                    A small shadow blocked the sun momentarily as it swooped down landing on a perch near the two of them. The small brown and white speckled bird watched them with piercing dark eyes. Shaking its feathers out.

"These Merlin's really do come in handy don't they?" Sivore said as he pulled a small parchment out of his pocket, along with a quill pen and made drew the silhouette of a cross surrounded by symbols that portrayed fire on the front before rolling it up and sticking it in a small roll then tied it to the small birds back. The soldier let out a long shrilled whistle as the bird took off into the sky, carrying the parchment. He then looked over at Sivore;

                    "Are you sure about this? What you're about to unleash could not only endanger the Voivode 'strust in you, but what if he's right about his apprehensions." He asked raising his eyebrow.

"A little late to be thinking that way now, you've already helped me to begin this, now I'm going to finish it." He said.

                     "Either way, you won't be able to get anywhere until at least tomorrow. Like I said, the troops are scattered all over trying to hold back the Ottoman threat, it's going to take a little bit longer to rally them up. Sivore sighed as he nodded his head;

"Yea, I know, keep me informed." He said before turning to head back inside the building.

                     One of the perks of being on the right hand of the Voivode was that he too had the pleasure of sleeping in the palace and after a day like this, that is exactly what he was planning to do.

                      He sighed heading down a long corridor through a large door entering a rather luxurious room. He sighed as he got into bed and fell asleep knowing, there was one thing they could never know. And with that thought, he fell into a deep sleep.

"Come Find Me----"

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