Chapter 3: The Crimson Trail

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The next day, the golden hues of the sun came through the windows of the room. Sivore's eyes glided all around behind his eyelids as he they slowly opened. He yawned as his vision cleared. Looking around the room he slid around and stood up walking out of the room.

The halls of the palace where deathly quiet. Apparently, Vlad had decided to stay with his bride overnight. That was ok though, for one thing, he couldn't imagine what they must be going through. Losing their youngest, sure the oldest was still there to succeed the throne but, still. And secondly, for what he was about to do, it was probably a good thing that his friend wasn't around.

He sighed as he walked past the throne, running his fingers along the back. Suddenly, he heard a knock on the large door. Slowly he made his way across the way to the door. Slowly, he pulled the door open revealing the middle-aged soldier and a few others behind him. Slowly, Sivore made his way out of the palace where a large group of highly decorated soldiers stood at attention.

"As requested." The man said standing at attention himself.

"Thank you Niamora." He said as he stepped onto the grass.

"I'm going to cut right to it, I am heading to the cursed cavern and I'm asking any brave souls to join me. We have no idea what to expect, it could be perilous or it could be a complete farce. Either way, I am going to discover the truth. Whether it brings this forsaken war to an end, or not!" He proclaimed. One of the soldiers quickly raised a hand stepping forward.

"But Sir, the Voivode already refused this plan." He said taking a deep breath. Sivore shook his head crossing his arms.

"I will respond with that comment, the same way I did to Niamora. As the Voivode's personal advisor and best friend it is my responsibility to speak out when I feel he is making a bad decision. And when he refuses to listen, it is my obligation to find
another path. I am going to the cavern and that is the final decision! He proclaimed. Now, who's making the journey with me!?" He asked.

A soldier on a tall brown steed was the first to step forward, raising his arm sword in hand.

"For the order!" He proclaimed. As he did so, a few more soldiers stepped forward. Some on foot, others on horses. Within a few minutes, more than half the soldiers had joined behind him. Sivore nodded as he looked over at the group.

"We will depart when I return." He said as he walked past the group.

               He walked down a long path that wound all the all around the back of the palace where a large old building stood. He made his way towards an old wooden door and walked into a large stable. He stood in front of a large black horse stroking its nose lightly.

"Are you ready my friend, time for a journey." He said as he stepped up on the stirrup and climbed on. Leaning forward he got close to the horse's ear. "Let's go...." He said quietly as the horse bucked his hind legs trotting out of the stable. He smiled as the horse sped to a gallop out of the stable and towards the group of soldiers. He grabbed the hilt of his sword gripping tightly as he brought the weapon out of its sheath raising it high "For the Voivode.... For the Order!!!..." He proclaimed as he took lead of the group as they left the palace.

              They were heading towards the coastline shore. Sivore knew they would meet opposition. Part of him was counting in it. Deep down, he was angry, angry and saddened for his friend. His family  was being torn apart. His kingdom was falling to ruin. And now, he knew it, he was betraying him, betraying his trust, his beliefs. Everything, everything was being put on the line. And, knowing all that, only strengthened his resolve.

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