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It's funny how the making of something takes up so much time but the breaking or destroying of it probably takes up a split second. Trusting someone the first time may be easy, but losing that trust is so easily lost, and regaining it is the hardest thing ever. Also, it takes 9 months to form your heart, but when anyone/anything leaves you, it breaks your heart instantly. Healing that broken heart again is what takes even more time, sometimes even more than 9 months.

Why does this happen? Because at first we weren't introduced to hate, but after the things we've been through, we only got used to all the doubts and mistrust and pain. Its very rare nowadays to find someone who would still have faith in love after a breakup, or someone who would still want to love after a horrible relationship.

For those who don't find the courage to love or feel anything again, have it bad. Some may be extremely heartless and some may act as if they don't care about anything when they're around people but when they're alone they're the saddest people.

Why do we feel like that? Pain is real. It hurts to have someone leave you whether for a valid reason or no reason at all. You can't just enter someone's life and then leave. I get that's life's cycle. That's how you move on and learn. But it doesn't have to be that way. I can learn in other ways. Learning doesn't have to be painful, especially when people we care about and people we got attached to, are involved.

We can't always block people out just because we're scared of repeating what has happened before or because we're scared to try. I understand that the chest pain and the stomachs and the dizziness and the nauseousness we get is agonizing. But we can't let that pain control us. But we can't control it or run away from it either. We're going to have to face it sooner or later. 

You've at least been hurt once, or rejected, or maybe not even noticed by someone you were longing to be noticed by, and here you are still healthy with a beating heart. Sad? Yeah, maybe. Upset? Yes, definitely. Do you cry? Sure. But did your heart stop beating? I don't think so.

Whatever happens to you, get up, face it, and try it again. Whoever has taught you or made you feel that love is a sad thing, hasn't loved yet. It's a beautiful feeling. It doesn't have to come from a lover only. It can be your pet, your family, your friends. It can be yourself. Love is beautiful. Go out there and spread your love. Everyone deserves a taste of something mesmerizing!

** Hope you liked this one. Proud of myself to be honest, that after everything I'm still able to think like that. Thank you for supporting this book and for voting.  Love Y'all!

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