Chapter 11

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"What are you doing here?" I harshly whispered to the girl who just shrugged her shoulders. "You shouldn't be here!" I facepalmed myself as I paced in front of her. "This is a military training ground." I pulled the ends of my hair as I tried to calm myself down. 

"Correction! We aren't on training grounds. We climbed across the fence. Remember?" she just smirked at me, probably glad that she managed to give a smart reply. "Besides! Why can't I spend some time with my sneaky little friend under the stars?" she pouted as she pointed up to the night sky. She put her arms around my shoulder as we walked.

"Your lights out is earlier than usaul today." Hanni smiled. "It's like what..11 now?" The boots crushed the dried leaves that was scattered around the forest floor.I rolled my eyes. "What do you want,Hanni?" 

"I want to bring you out for a drink." she chuckled as she put her arms around my shoulder and half-hugged me. "Don't tell me it's a crime to have a drink with my lovely partner-in-crime under the stars?" she winked at me as she pointed to the night sky. The both of us stopped at a clearing.

"Romantic." I sarcastically laughed and just made myself comfortable with my back resting on a tree. Hanni just rolled her eyes at me and carefully laid the cloth bag that she was carrying on the shoulder in front of the both of us. 

She took out two bottles which is probably alcohol and a box. She also took out a box of cigarettes. "I brought something you like." she squealed in excitement as she opened the box. My mouth immediately watered when the smell of home-baked cookies reached my nostrils. "Hanni!" I snatched one of the goodies and bit into it. 

"They taste so good." I moaned,my eyes shut as the flavors danced around my tongue. After munching on a few, I decided to ask a question.

"How's the streets?" I turned to look at the red head. She looked up to the sky and she looked really annoyed. "The usual people are still there. New people join while some are dead." she shrugged. "But some of the newly formed 'gangs' are gaining more power. And some one like me, a lone wolf since you joined the military is having a lot of competition now." she shook her head as she opened the bottle, and then drinking a mouthful.

"I mean, I have connections and all. But oh dear Lord. It's worrying,still." she frowned. 

" I have a bad feeling about all these people. It has gone to the point where even Commander Erwin is aware of it." I gladly took the glass bottle from her hands and drank the liquid down. I closed my eyes as I felt my body relaxed by a fraction. "If the news have reached the Commander, that would means the Military Police would be involved soon. Be careful." I narrowed my eyes as I brought the bottle to my lips once again.

"They won't hesitate to kill." I spat.The memory of Eren's court trial flashed through my mind and that was enough for me to throw the now empty bottle against a nearby tree. Hanni just looked at the now shattered glass shards which laid on the ground. "I'm down to my last box. Savor it." she held up a white object. My eyes looked at the object,thinking twice about it. 

"I'm only hoping you have been smoking less lately." I twirled the cigarette inbetween my fingers after taking one from the box. "You make me sound like a chain smoker." she rolled her eyes at me. "I've been keeping check of myself. So that cigarette." she pointed to said object. "Wouldn't fuck my stamina up." 

"Levi would kill me if he knows this." I could only imagine his reaction and chuckle at it. Sometimes,when I was younger..I would wonder why Levi or any adult would put this..thing inbetween their lips. And as I grew,the answer is slowly getting clearer. I took a single match stick from my pocket and swiftly lighted it up. 

"So how's training?" Hanni asked as she watched me took a long drag and then blowing a puff of smoke out. "Tough. The expectations are insane. But if you look at it in a way..surviving on the streets gave me an advantage." I closed my eyes , missing this feeling. I miss sitting down with Hanni,just the two of us.

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