Chapter 5

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"Hurry! Follow Mikasa." I turned to see Jean behind me. So he decided to come huh? I'm surprised. I can only hope he Shut up , Alexandria. There's no time for that. "Let's keep this fight short. We need to kill them before we run out of gas." he shouted again.

That reminds me. The amount of gas I have left. I glared at the tank for a moment before concentrating on what was infront of me. It means every action I do now is crucial. I need to have enough gas to reach headquarters. Without gas, that meant no agility. And without agility , I'm useless. Well , not that useless. I could use the underground tunnels but that is out of the question now.

There is one way to save gas. That would mean running on the roofs as much as I can and lift myself off to different other roofs but it would be risky. I let out a growl and decided that it would be a much better option compared to just continously using gas.

I shot a cable at a nearby house and ran on the roof. I watched as the others shout out questions on what I'm doing but I just shook my head. One titan to the left , I spotted. At the right time , I lift myself off when it smashed it's body against the building , making debris fly all over. "Tch." I complained and continued going forward.

"Mikasa!" I heard Armin shout and he went to a different direction. I felt like everything froze for a moment when I saw a body falling towards the ground. She used too much gas. "Dammit." I managed to catch up with the blonde. "Jean. Lead the others. I'll go with Armin." Connie went off to the same direction Armin went.

"I'm going with you , Connie." Jean being stubborn as always. "No. There are more titans in front. We need your skills." Connie shook his head and finally he was out of earshot.

I watched the male let out a grunt and he shut his eyes. "It's time for you to shine,Jean. Just accept it." I told him as I looked forward. "Appreciate it when an opportunity is given to you and dont you dare back out of this. People are counting on you." I shouted out. My eyes concentrated on the tian whose back was facing us. With one shot , the hooks on my cables clinged onto it's flesh as my gear pulled me towards it. "Celestia!" I heard him shout.

"I'm trusting you." I shouted one last time before my blades dug deep into the titan's nape. 


Is this what hopelessness felt like? Of course , it must be. I'm familiar with this feeling. I always am. Does it remind you of numerous events? Like when I was a child and I wanted to follow Levi around but he made be stay home. Or when I wanted that toy in the market but we couldnt afford it? Not forgetting the day he left. So why am I questioning myself? It's the same identical feeling.

I looked down , making sure my hair was hiding my eyes from the view of others as I watched my comrades scream in fear as those giants reach out towards them. I squeezed my eyes shut when I heard a spluttering sound. 

"Help me! I dont want to die!" I heard another scream but suddenly. The voice stopped screaming.

'Focus on one goal.'

I could feel my emotions clawing at me in my head, begging me to stop numbing everything. Have I reached my limit? I still need to remain emotionless. Please. A little longer , I beg. Till I reach HQ , only till then you can destory me as much as you want.

Your comrades are dying in front of you , you cold-hearted bitch. Help them you uselsss bitch.

Hopelessness. Guilt. Fear. 

"We need to head the HQ now." I whispered to Jean , staring blankly at the titans as I try to block the smell of blood entering my nostrils. He looked at me for a few seconds. "I dont know if I can continue doing this. The amount of people that have died under my command.." his eyes glued at  the scene infront of him. "Give the instruction now." I glared at him. "Then why dont you do it then!?" he asked me , glaring.

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