Things are going to get better. Chapter 11

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 Maddy's P.O.V.

I was tired of waiting for Remus to come and save me so I chewed through the rope and I was free. I smelt blood in the air it was like a huge blood battle. Fear grew over me and I was afraid Remus had died. I ran through the camp and saw drips of blood that lead me near three dead bodies. There was Liam's dead body, Josh's dead body, and the other one was a mystery. I looked at his face and it didn't look like Remus' face at all. I tried to mind link Remus but it went blank. When I did mind linked him he picked up but then he cut the link. It felt like he was in panic, like where-ever he was wasn't safe.    I sat down on a log and tried to mind read him.

 All I could hear was, (I hope they don't come and find me, and I hope Maddy's alright.)

I quickly mind linked him and I said, (Remus I'm alright, Josh and Liam's bodies are covered in blood, they must be dead) (Do you know how Josh died) he said. I flipped his body over and there was a dagger stuck in his chest. It looks like he stabbed himself in the heart. I could hear someone sobbing and I followed his scent.                                           

 Once I came close enough I knew it was Remus. I sat next to him and hugged him.

I whispered in his ear, "everything is going to be alright, we will get out of these woods and hopefully live a much better life." He put his head on my shoulder and fell asleep.

Remus P.O.V.

"The guards sent us in these woods, they gave us a 10 year sentence it's only been 9 years."

 "Did you do something bad like your brothers," said Maddy.

"I only stole bread from the bakery so I think they would let me go."

 "There is a secret entrance close near your camp."

I took Maddy’s hand and I showed her the entrance. There was a secret panel that you had to put a certain code in. "Do you know the code, “said Maddy.

 "No I don't think so."

 After I responded I remembered my dog tag that my father gave me. I looked at it and there was a code. I punched in the code and a gate popped up. I ripped open the gate and we stepped onto the other side. The site was gorgeous, the most beautiful thing I ever seen. I was sick of seeing trees, swamps, and small rivers. This place had much more; there was a pavement of stone with lines on top of it. There were different signs all over the place, and tall buildings. I knew my live was going to get much better.

"Wow, I never seen anything like this before," said Maddy.

I remembered I had a few relatives in the town we were staying in. I was separated as a young child. My uncle and aunt stayed in these towns I wonder if there still alive. They used to own a small shop when I was a kid; it was located at the other side of town.

It started to get dark out and I was used to sleeping in my hut, but this time I had to sleep on a park bench with Maddy. It started to get very uncomfortable, so slept on the ground and let Maddy sleep on the bench. She woke up in the middle of the night and asked if we could sleep somewhere more comfortable tomorrow. I decided to get a job as a secret bounty hunter. This job I would kill other bad werewolves that killed humans. After a while I got payed a good amount and I bought the pent house in a hotel. I mentioned this job to Maddy and she didn't get mad as I thought she would.

Years went by quickly as my werewolf powers got much stronger. I and Maddy grew to be in our thirty’s and we had our first child. We decided to call her Ayesha and she grew to be a fierce werewolf. I was afraid that my brothers would come back and haunt her. That was what they exactly planned.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2013 ⏰

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