Chapter 6. The Consequences

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Maddy's P.O.V

I just woken up from my sleep, Rem was laying right next to me and I woke him up.

 “Hey Rem how long have I been sleeping for?"

 "For 2 weeks, geesh I thought you were dead."

                "Well that's nice, could you teach me how to shift now since I'm a werewolf?"

 “Sure why not, but you might want Remus to teach you that."

 I looked over at him and he didn't look like Rem at all he must be one of the clan members.

 "Who are you, and were is Rem?"

"My name is Logan my dear, and Rem has been locked up for a while now, I gave you a sleeping potion and that's why you have been sleeping for so long."

 “What did Rem do?"

 “Well he almost killed me and a few other people so we have been keeping him in for 2 weeks we were going to do more but you woke up."

"You evil person I want to see Rem right now!"

 "I don't think that's possible he's probably dead now." I ran for my life and found were they locked up Rem.


 "I'm over here....” someone said faintly.

 I went over where I heard the voice and there I found Remus locked up tight on the wall, he was pale and I could barely see his ribs poking out. I looked around for a bit and opened a draw and there was a key to the cell and a note.

The note said, (Remus is stupid enough to fight here in this clan he barely made it in, we were all good friends at once always joked around and had a grand ole time. Remus had to find his mate and we were all ruined since then. We plan to kill him and his girlfriend. But first we have to wait till she wakes up and she sees her precious boyfriend dead and she probably will kill herself if not we choose to.)

At that moment I quickly shoved the note in my pocket and grabbed the key. The cell opened and there was a loud squeak noise from the door. I quickly unlocked the chains and he was free.

“Rem is you alright, I cried out."

"I’ll be ok just my arms and legs broken because Logan took a whip and beat me with it till my arms and legs broke."

 "That's awful I have to help you walk out of here, and don’t worry I have a plan."

I carried Rem outside and tried to shift into my werewolf form like he said keep focus. I remembered what he told me and I shifted into my werewolf.

 I fell on my feet a couple of times and Logan said, "Hey pussycat, your no wolf you can't even stand on your own four feet."

 I got furious and couldn't hold my anger in and I attacked him, and I clawed him right in the face. He started bleeding a lot and he turned into his werewolf form. His fur was brownish red, and his eyes were grey. He was really ugly for a werewolf I thought.

"Hey you know I can mind read and I just heard what you said."

"Oh good, I bet you will hear that you are stupid when it comes to friends."

 "Rem deserved being punished because he was helping so much more before he came into your life."

 "Well I can't help that we are mates."

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