Chapter 7. The full moon.

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Maddy's P.O.V.

After an hour of arguing with Logan I decided to carry Remus back my original camp site. Once we got safe back to my hut Rem woke up. He had scratch marks all over his glorious body, I felt bad so I found some leaves that heal wounds. I wasn't sure if werewolves would heal so fast. Once I came back with all the leaves the scratch marks were gone.

"Hey sweetie, where did you go?”

""I went to get you some medicine for your scratch marks but there all gone."

 "Pretty cool, huh?"

I laughed and said, "I was worried about you Rem, I had to carry you back to my camp, for the next few days watch out for Logan."

Remus P.O.V

Maddy is so beautiful and kind, it was weird how we met but I bet it was destiny.

 "Hey you want to go for a run?"

 "Are you sure you’re still not hurt?"

"Don't worry about me, what I need to worry is about you, Logan is out to get us and I just want to get rid of all the stress by going for a run."

"Well, if you say so but I still have trouble trying to walk."

 I watch her carefully concentrate and keep focus; as soon as she does she turns into her werewolf form. She is the most beautiful wolf I ever seen, she has golden brown fur and her eyes are blue. I turn into my form and walk over and kiss her. She attacks me like a playful puppy and I fall right on the ground. We both howl, and we went silent for a second and I heard a howl back.

 "Crap Maddy, that was Logan howling, I mind linked her."

 "Should we run now?"

She carefully started walking with all of her four paws, and graciously she started running.

"You better catch up Rem or the big bad wolf Logan is going to get you."

I started running at her pace and slowly ran faster than her.

"No, I think you should catch up."

 It became dark when we started to walk back to her camp. I noticed that there was full moon out tonight.

"Hey Maddy, do you notice that a full moon is out tonight?"

 "Yeah, what about it?"

 "This is when all werewolves’ turn into their true form, even Logan becomes stronger."

"I think if Logan finds us we will be as strong as him and we will defeat him and whoever comes at us." I noticed I started laughing really hard when she said that. It was the cutest thing I ever heard.

"Stop laughing I'm serious, would we turn into our true form or is there something we have to do to make us stronger than him?"

"Well we have to mate to make us stronger."

 I took a glance at her and she started blushing.

 "You don't have to if you don't want to we could try to defeat in our regular wolf form, but the only way to go into our full wolf form is to mate."

 "Did Logan mate with someone to turn into his full form."

 "Yes he did so that's what we have to do to turn into our full form."

Maddy's P.O.V

"If this is what we have to do then we shall."

 After we were done mating I felt so much stronger.

 I glanced at the moon and said, "Hey Rem when will we turn into our true form?"

 "All we have to do is wait for Logan to find us and our true form will turn us."

 I howled and howled for ten minutes and finally I heard Logan howl back. Once I heard him I mind linked him, "Hey Logan come and find me."

 He mind linked back, "Don't worry I have been for hours and hours and still haven't found you but I will."

 I ended the mind link and said to Rem, "Logan said he has been searching for us for hours and still haven't found us."

 "Let's catch up on our sleep because you must be tired, I will watch out for Logan while you sleep."

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