The attack chapter 8.

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I try to mind link Madelyn but somehow it seems like she’s asleep, or maybe dead. I can't mind link Remus either I wonder if they mated yet and that’s why I can't mind link them. I'm stuck in these stupid woods with Josh and he keeps on rambling on about we should just give up and go back to our camp.

"Josh knock it off with your whining if you want to go back alone you can."

"You want me to go back all alone?"

"Yes I do if you keep whining."

"Fine, I will stop but I'm hungry and been walking around to find them for days."

"I know you good friends with Remus and don't want to kill him but you have no choice, he betrayed us."

'I think I found something Logan, it seems to me like an invisible shield and it won't let me go through."

 I put my hand on it and Josh was right it is an invisible shield. I take a better look inside and I see a little hut with someone inside.

"How do we get in, or do we make whoever is inside get out?"

 I start to howl very loudly, and Josh starts to howl to. I can see a worried look on his face like he wants to go back to our camp but is scared to

 "Who is out there?” Remus says.

"It is me Logan and Josh, if you want to fight then come on out."

"Why would I want to fight with you says Rem."

"Because of all the horrible things we have done to you and your girlfriend."

"Tell Josh to leave and I will fight you said Remus." 

 "You heard the man, Josh go back to the camp I will meet back with you later."

Remus P.O.V

I will slaughter and kill Logan, even if I die when killing him my soul will rest at peace. I don't want Maddy to get hurt in the act but if she wants to fight I will have to protect her. I need to focus on killing Logan than keeping my eye on Maddy. I love her and all just I want Logan dead so we can both find a way out of these woods.

 "Maddy wake up, Logan is outside waiting to fight."

"Really he is, now we can defeat him."

 "No I want you to stay here, if anything bad happens want you to run."

 “But we are mated and we are much stronger than him."

"I don't think you understand, he is mated to so he will do as much damage."

 "Fine I will stay here, but if you get hurt I'm coming to find you."

I growled at her and she looked nervous. "Don't worry Maddy I will defeat him and we can find a way out of these woods."

 "Hurry up love birds said Logan."

 Every time I looked at the moon I felt stronger I knew in my heart I could kill Logan and find a way out.

Josh P.O.V

I know Logan and Remus told me to go back but Remus is my best friend and Logan takes control of everything. I am going to save Remus if Logan hurts him and I don't care if I die in the act. Remus was there for me so I'm here for him. When I was just 10 years old we were swimming in a lake and Logan jumped on me and I lost my breath and sank to the bottom. Remus swam after me and saved my life and all Logan did was laugh. Now Remus might think I'm on Logan’s side but actually it all in the plan, I will sneak around in the woods and save Rem from Logan.

Maddy's P.O.V.

Remus told me to stay in the hut in our invisible shield so Logan or Josh won't attack us. But I just can't watch Rem die for me. I have to help even if Rem gets hurt, we are strong, we are brave, and we are loyal. I will never leave Rem's side no matter what; if he dies I die with him. It may seem too much but we are mates and we are supposed to stay by each other’s side. I don't think Josh will attack us because he seems to not follow Logan’s rules.

Remus P.O.V.

“Logan you will go down!"

 I slash out my claws and stab him in the eyes with my claws. I rip my claw out of the side of his head and Logan whimpers. Logan howls for Josh but he never comes.

“Damn that Josh he never obeys me."

I snarl at him and bite his leg as hard as I can. He takes his claws and holds on to my stomach as hard as he can. I look at my gash and its bleeding really hard. I take a look at the trees and see Josh hidden in a tree. I pass out and I am surrounded by my own blood mixed in with Logan’s. I awake and see Josh by my side yelling at Logan to leave me alone.

"How dare you Logan, you were best friends with Remus and now he looks like he's dead."

 "Who cares about that scumbag he was good for nothing, and it's just me and you now we can go and kill Maddy."

"Oh-no you don't!"

 I stand up and notice its pitch black out and the moon is shining brightly. My bones shift quickly, and I feel stronger as the seconds go by. I pounce on Logan and I take a bite in his lower hind leg. My bite is so deep that I can see white pieces of his bone. Logan compared to me is a puppy trying to play with a rubber ball. I run so fast he can't even catch up to me. I hear a really loud howl and its Maddy standing right by my side.

“Oh look who has come for dinner said Logan." 

’’You’re a sick man” said Maddy.

 I look at her and we both attack Logan, she bites some of his flesh off and spits it on the ground, while I trap Logan on the ground. He looks weak and puny, like a kitten that is trapped underneath a car and can't get out.

"What are you going to do now Logan?"

He says softly, "please let me go."

I take my foot off him and he closes his eyes. After a minute or two I check his heart beat and I didn't feel anything. After a while I looked at his eyes and noticed they were pitch black. He was finally dead.

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