Chapter 9. The kill

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Remus P.O.V.

I saw Logan dead on the ground and I felt that we needed to bury him because I remembered all the good times me and Josh had with him.

 “Hey Josh we need to burry Logan, just bury him it doesn't have to be anything fancy."

"Why do you want to bury him he ruined our lives."

 "Don't you remember some of the good times as kids we had with him?"

"Fine, you grab his legs and I'll grab his arms."            

We dragged at a good spot that would be good for burying him and I and Josh turned into our wolf forms. After we were done we gone back to our camp and I forgot all about my other clan members that just came back. There were only two more members in our group. The only reason I joined because my dad was the alpha, but he died while fighting. He wasn’t paying much attention and five wolves came behind him and spilt his back apart. I was lost without him because my mother had disappeared and I never really met her. Our group had got into a lot of trouble back then and the guard’s brain washed us and dropped us off in these woods. I never really have seen the outside world, like the city’s, the houses, and shops. I would like to run off with Maddy and get to see all of that. I don't want our wolf form to be seen, especially to outsiders.              

 “Hey Josh who's back at our camp maybe just the three of us can run off and find a way out.

"I think Liam is back but I don't know if Mark came back with him."

Hey Liam where’s Mark?”

 "He ran off like a little baby, we got into this fight about this girl we saw walking around in the woods and we argued about who will get her and be her man." 

 "Liam I think that was my girlfriend Maddy." 

"I didn't know you had a girlfriend, said Liam."

 “I will tell you later how I met her, but for now I have to go find her.”

 I ran as fast as I could to ditch Josh and Liam.  When I went to her camp she wasn’t in her hut. I started to get really worried so I mind linked her. (Maddy where are you?)

I heard a faint voice saying, “help”.

The voice sounded just like Maddy’s so I mind linked her back, “don’t worry I’m coming for you.”

 The nerve of Leo stealing Madison, I could kill him just like I did to his brother.

 I didn’t notice Josh running after me and he said, “Calm down Remus I will help you find her. “

Josh lead me to Leo’s house and I ripped open the gate. Liam and Leo fight a lot and somehow they got themselves fighting over Madelyn. 

Josh was egging me on to mind link Leo so I did and said, “Leo where the hell are you?”

“What’s up Remus?”

 “You stole my mate and I want her back.”

 “You’re going to have to get through me first Remus, said Leo.”

 I cut the mind link and started howling very loud. It was so loud that his whole house shook. 

Leo's P.O.V.

“Crap, what is that shaking?”

 It feels like an Earthquake. I looked outside and saw Remus howling.

I walked outside and said, “Will you shut up already.”

“Make me” said Remus.

 I decided to put on a challenge for Remus to see if he’s actually tough as he seems.  I shifted into my wolf form and I compared sizes to him and I looked smaller than him somehow.  I wonder if he already turned into his full form. I tried to look stronger than him, but it didn’t work.

I grabbed this throat nervously and asked, “Do you really want to fight your best friend, could you just let me go?”

“You’re not my best friend, Josh is and your evil minded like your brother.”

“You always think about yourself and no one else.”

He got away from my grip and he ripped open my chest. I fell on the ground and blackness was all around me. I knew I was dying but I didn’t see any white light, I was being pulled into the ground. The last thing I felt was Remus kicking me. 

Madelyn’s P.O.V.

I had to shift into my wolf form and I could see much more clearly. I was locked into Leo’s closet; I ripped off the door and ran out the door. I looked on the floor and I saw his body on the ground.  It was a horrid scene but I was glad he was finally dead.  I saw someone walk around the back of the house and saw Remus and Josh. I ran into Remus and he hugged me.

“Did you get hurt?"

"There isn’t a scratch on me." I replied back.

We went back to the camp and Liam was in his wolf form.

 "What's wrong Liam?” said Remus.

 "Why did you kill Leo said Liam whimpering."

"I had to Liam he was going to kill Maddy."

 "All you think about is her “said Liam.

After he said that anger was building up inside of me.

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