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Dear readers,

When I started writing this, I never entertained the idea of becoming a writer.

Writing a few poems when I was feeling too depressed or too much in love and occasional scientific esseys in college magazine didn't count as serious writing.

I just wrote the first chapter because the reaction of Rickard after Charlotte's memory was too intense for me to take. I had to share it.

But now this has become serious. I have also given writing a serious thought. People are waiting for my updates eagerly and trust me, as a reader, I know very well how the waiting feels!

That is why I want to let you people know something, otherwise the guilt of making you wait is becoming too much for me.

I got a new job in July and moved to a new city. Right now I'm going through a rigorous training course here which will end just before Christmas.

And, in the meantime, (Big news and drumrolls ****) -


All of these are taking too much of my time, effort and energy that I can hardly focus on writing and the guilt of not able to write regularly is giving me more stress than anything else.

So here is the question -

If I stop to update this story or do a very very slow update (as I am doing now) till Christmas, will you be with me? Will you understand?

If it's not okey, then I've to announce that I'm abandoning the story for now so that you won't have to wait anymore and will start some new story in the new year.

I hate to make you hang into the middle, waiting for weeks for an update.

I want to make sure that you know what is actually going on and if you're okay with the waiting.

Please answer my darlings. It's important for me.


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