Temptation (Lotor x Female!Reader pt 2)

Start from the beginning

"Hey, take it easy Mullet," Lance said to him with a nervous laugh. "That's also why we're here. We didn't mean to agitate you. We're just surprised that you'd go against Shiro for her."

"I agree with them," Pidge added. "She must mean a lot to you."

"Yeah!" Hunk backed them up. "Even when she was with us, you seemed pretty adamant about keeping her safe."

"Awww, does Keith have a crush on (Y/N)?" Lance teased. Keith gripped his controls harder.

"Quit it Lance," Allura fussed before Keith could retaliate. "We don't have time for that."

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "Just trying to lighten the mood. My stomach is in knots over here."

"I can understand that," Allura consoled him.

"I'm surprised even you went against Shiro, Allura," Pidge commented.

"(Y/N)'s life is just as important to me as to the rest of you," she explained. "And I also do not understand why he would not be willing to help rescue her. She is just as valuable to the ship as anyone else on this crew. So of course I'm here. I'm just surprised blue allowed me to do this."

"That's the thing about blue," Lance said with pride. "She knows when help is needed. She's a smart girl. And for what it's worth Keith," Lance said, changing his tone, "I really do think going after her is the right choice. I just hope Lotor hasn't done anything to her by now."

Keith said nothing and bit his tongue. He couldn't get all vulnerable now with his feelings; he had to focus. Though in the back of his mind he felt the sharp pain at the truth of Lance's words. It had been six days since her capture, which was a large window for something to happen. Shiro's interference in the matter really slowed them down. Whatever was wrong with him was one thing, but right now he had to focus on the task at hand. Taking a deep breath and looking to his right, he saw on the monitor Lotor's ship suspended amongst the stars like a luminous shadow, one that he knew upon entering, there was no turning back. He turned his lion slightly towards is, moving nice and slow as not to cause suspicion for the enemy. His fellow Paladins followed in formation close behind him.

Any moment now... he thought. Just hang in there (Y/N), we're coming for you.

*** *** ***

(Y/N) paced the floor of her cell. Lotor's words rang in her mind so vividly, she could almost swear it wasn't her imagination.

"...join forces with me, and we can rule the universe together."

Gripping at her hair to keep from screaming, she slid down the back of her cell wall. Why was this so hard? She had honestly never been the type to just randomly flip on people. She had fought alongside the Paladins for so long, given them encouragement, and even acted as what Lance called their "ghost paladin". All that they had been through together... and she was even considering this?

'He said he understood,' she thought. 'Is that why?' Is it because she felt that the Paladins did not understand her nor tried to, that she would go for someone who did no matter what side she was on? Was she that desperate?

No, no that can't be. He kidnapped her. He had no intention of caring for her in any way. This had to be all a ploy to get her to spill secrets about Voltron. Like she had observed before, Lotor believed in conquering others through much more peaceful methods. He was trying to conquer her mind through affection. That had to be it.

So why did she feel this way about the Paladins all of a sudden? Sure she had always felt a little out of place, but now when she tried to think of the times when they gave their gratitude her for being with them, it all just felt so fake and practiced. Standing in Lotor's shadow and listening to his words, though part of her felt scared the other felt... safe. Secure. As if his guidance would be steady and helpful, unlike those in her past who has run amuck with her life, and caused her to feel worthless. And maybe... maybe he could...




Why would she even think of that?! He was a villain! A back stabbing monster! Why was this all even a possibility? All her life she had given her hopes and dreams to one day saving those who could not help themselves. To be the good guy with a grander purpose, like those in her fairy tale books back at home, even if others had told her it would never be. Why would she even change on herself now?

Beads of sweat poured down her forehead as she thought long and hard in her cell. Tears were fighting to reach the surface, as if they wanted to take complete control over her. (Y/N) fought with every ounce within her not to scream out in frustration. This shouldn't be so hard. This should have never been this hard.

With a sudden jolt, she felt the spaceship rock as if something had hit it. If they were on Lotor's tiny cruiser, (Y/N) knew that would not be that much of a problem. But because she knew that they were traveling in one of his large transport ships full of goods for the empire, whatever just hit them had a better chance of catching up with them, and possibly overtaking them. That was of course, if they could get past their shields and defense systems. What this ship lacked in speed, it made up for in defense.

But the fact that the entire ship just rocked told (Y/N) that whoever was attacking them currently, had gotten through their shields and could possibly boarding them right now. Her eyes grew wide as she realized there were only a few people in this universe that could ever really get past Lotor's defense systems...

Keith... she thought. The team... could that be them?

Without warning, her cell door flew open. Standing to her feet with a squeal she felt a tight grip wrap around her arm, and she looked up into Lotor's features.

"(Y/N)," he said exasperated. "We have to go, now."

"Who's here," she asked, trying to get out of his grip.

"That's none of your concern," he said sternly. "We have to move, fast!"

"I'm not moving until you tell me who's attacking us!" she shouted. His expression seemed frantic and startled, as if for once he hadn't suspected this attack. If he was thrown off guard, she thought, that means he was distracted. What... who distracted him?

"(Y/N)," he tried to say softly, panting for breath, "you need to trust me. This is-"

"Trust you?!" she screeched. "You keep messing with my mind with this 'ruling the universe together' crap! Stop it! I can't- I won't- I shouldn't-'


Without hesitation she looked over Lotor's shoulder. Right there in the cell doorway, stood Keith with the rest of the team behind him. His feet spread apart into his battle stance and his sword in his right hand, he looked ready to take on anything and anyone, including the son of Zarkon, Prince Lotor. (Y/N) felt her hopes raise for one second, only for them to be dashed when she looked back into Lotor's eyes to see the one emotion she thought he could never give.


Looking into her own eyes, he steeled himself, and turned to face the Red Paladin with his usual charm and defiance.

"I was wondering what was taking you so long, Keith of Voltron," he said with a devilish grin.

To be continued


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