Prince of Misery

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As soon as I awoke, I stretched and yawned while feeling quite satisfied with myself. Everything was working out well for me. I was in a large bed, my body was rested, and I had a drop-dead gorgeous mermaid soundly sleeping beside me, likely worn from the long night I had with her.

The darkness of my room filled me with comfort, as I enjoy my domain. It's definitely special, as it's different from all of my brothers. They all have rooms that have limits and are decorated. For instance, my youngest brother has a childish domain filled with toys, and it's not too large.

Another thing that's odd is the emotions of my domain. There are none. Normally, a demon lord's room has a specific affect associated with it, like my youngest brother's that fills your mind with childishness and whim, but I don't have any.

Our powers tend to be associated with our domain, and mine is the strongest. The ability to create whatever I wish is certainly an overpowered trick. To use my youngest as an example again, he can turn anyone into his puppet, though he usually pampers those he changes and acts as if they're huge dolls.

Anyway, I was enjoying my vast and dark domain, and I heard Adilyrm start to move. I scooted over to her on the bed, cuddling and putting my lips on her neck. I held her chest firmly, her ass comfortably rubbing against my upper thighs. I squeezed with a bit more force, enthralled in the moment, and she let out a sharp gust of air from her nose. I smirked, nuzzling into her shoulder.


"Yes, hon? Would you like something?" I replied, curious of what she'd need when I'm busy fondling her smooth flesh.

"I just wanted to hear your voice to make sure it's you."

"Who else would be so passionate in the morning?" I purred, kneading her breasts within my cupped hands.

"Y-You're one of few."

"Yeah," I muttered, floating off while I felt down her voluptuous body from her bosoms to her rear. It was so comforting. Slightly like a darkness high.

"Sweetie, should we get up?"

"Why would we do that? I was thinking we could go a few more rounds. What do you say?" I seductively murmured, kissing from her neck to her shoulder.

I wrapped my legs around hers, holding them down. I was going to pin down the rest of her and slide atop, but I stayed where I was until I got further permission. She was greatly blushing. I felt immense passion within me, a flame within my heart, stomach, and brain. It was such a hot fire. My insides felt like they were cooking, yet I didn't mind in the slightest; instead, I enjoyed it.

"I'd love to, Dae, but can we hold off until later? I'll be perfectly fine tonight."

"Why not now?"

"You have work in two hours, and you need to take your friends from my domain. I'm fine if you wish for them to stay, but they need either me or you if they wish to go," Adilyrm explained, and I felt immediately bummed out. I kissed her cheek, then I slid off the large bed. I stretched out, smiling dumbly while thinking of the long night of passion I had.

Adilyrm removed herself from the sheets next, ready to leave when I was. Due to habit, I looked around for my clothes before remembering I came naked.

"Are we good to go, Adilyrm?"

"If you're all ready."

I nodded, opening my door to the mermaid domain. I walked in with Adilyrm clutching onto my arm tightly, and she seemed fond of my slightly muscular frame.

Once we were in the domain, I glanced around. We were at the castle; specifically the part of the pool where Adilyrm tends to reside. The waters were sparkling and clear, the sun's morning light hitting it. I wasn't used to the sunrise on the horizon, as I'm scarcely out at this time. It seemed like the mermaids and sirens within the pool hadn't been there for long, as they were yawning and rubbing their drooping eyes.

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