Clueless Worshipper

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I awoke with a pounding headache, my whole body sore from the previous night. I was on the floor, sprawled out with liquor bottles. Everyone appeared to have left, so I stood and stretched myself out. After scratching my lower back, I went to the bathroom to shower, and I was shocked by what I found. It was the morning, and I was barely in control the day before, so I completely forgot my conversations and everything I should've kept in mind.

When I entered, I noticed I heard loud snoring, so I looked for the source. Law slept in my bathtub, completely nude, and his clothes had been carelessly thrown on my bathroom floor with another demon's. The other demon was a succubus, her false body over Law's. She was clutching his chest, kiss marks everywhere on him. Everywhere.

Angry, I paced to Law and flicked his forehead. His eyes shot open, staring directly at me. After looking down, realizing he was under a succubus, and facing me again, he smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

"What's up, Dae? Man, I have a terrible headache. Heheha."

"What the hell?... Get out of my bath," I muttered, shooting daggers at him. He laughed, stretching out and standing from the bath. The succubus was sleeping hard, soft breathing coming from her pale lips. Law stared at me, laughing harder.

"You're like me! Looks like we both got messed up."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned, moving to a mirror. I gaped in awe and surprise, seeing lipstick stains of different colors all over my face. I don't remember receiving those.

"I didn't think you'd be too active in my types of behavior."

"At least I'm not nude in someone else's bathtub," I mumbled, glancing at the black-haired succubus still within.

"Hey, I'd let you be nude in mine."

"I don't know how to respond to that... I need to get to work."

"Yeah. I've got to head home. I should probably drop off my new lover at my house with my old one," Law told, grabbing his clothes from off the ground and sliding them on. I sighed, putting my hand over my face.

"I'm heading to work. Just... make sure both of you leave before I come back. And can you make sure no one else is still here?"

"Yeah. No problem," Law replied, his demeanor overly cheerful.

I sighed again, walking out with the thought that I needed to bleach my eyeballs and pour lava down my ears. Or possibly chop into my head and slice off the chunk that held the memory. Like most of mine, they just stayed thoughts. Meaningless thoughts that could've never existed. Though, they do hold the purpose of something to mention.

I quickly stepped to my drawers, scrambling out of my clothes on the way there. After I removed every article of clothing, I threw my cloak on and opened my door, walking into my domain. It was nice and dark, and it filled me with comfort. Until I realized I hadn't thought of another important detail about the party: the werewolf and siren.

They were on the floor, sleeping away. The siren was in the wolf's arms, both grinning. I shook them awake, shooing them from my domain. They were annoyed slightly but left willingly and easily. After, I went to my chair, sitting and manifesting a bottle of beer to drink. As I sat, the chair went to its whispering like usual.

"Hey, Lord Daespheak. When will you let me out? Please. Shut up! You're makin' the rest of us sound weak! I'm sick of this. Please let us go. Get your ass off of me!"

"Can't you guys stay silent?... For once? I have a headache," I asked, my voice dull and showing my boredom.

"Like hell, we will! I will if you let me out. Please, Lord. I can't stand this place anymore! Die, Lord Daespheak. I hope you choke."

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