The world is small

Start from the beginning

We sit on my sofa. She realised something was wrong and was almost here when my father called her. She asks me questions, I answer them.

"He met her again?"

"Yes a few days ago. P'Bee said it was random, she hadn't spoken to him since he left."

"What kind of person is she?"

"She wouldn't hurt someone or break up a family." I tell her.

"You only met her a little while ago Wayo."

"Actions speak louder than words sometimes." I reply. She is alone, scared but she was still taking Bas, I don't believe someone like that could be bad.

"Your very fond of her."

"Yes, I am, she is nice."

Aunty doesn't say anything for a while and looks at me.

She smiles at me and kisses my forehead. "I can always trust you to be honest with me."

She has a call and goes to stand near the window to talk, I think its uncle.

I go see who it is a few minutes later when the door opens, its P'Pha, he looks tired.

"Yo." He says hugging me. "Do you really want a boyfriend that's a doctor? I could open a chicken rice restaurant." He sighs.

"Better be a doctor dear, Wayo has expensive tastes." Aunty smiles.


P'Pha quickly lets me go and greets her.

"Let's talk in the morning Wayo." She says hugging me.

"Phana, I'll leave Wayo to your care, he's upset." She tells him patting his cheek before leaving.

I hug P'Pha, closing my eyes tight.

"What's wrong Yo?" He asks.

The words just spill out. I tell him, and when I tell him about the message he holds me closer. Telling him makes me feel better, I stay close to him.

After a while we lie down, he hugs me close, gently rubbing my back, I fall sleep.

I have breakfast with P'Pha, we didn't eat anything last night, he tells me not to worry and keeps adding things to my bowl.

"Stop that P'Pha you need to eat something as well." I laugh.

"But I want to make sure you eat properly. I've been busy and I didn't get a chance." He pouts.

"Stop being cute and eat." I say

"I'm not cute, I'm handsome." He laughs.

I hit his arm, he laughs more. He drops me off, it's early I'll go wait in the library for my gang.

I call Ming. "Bastard why are you always hard to get a hold of? Don't you check your missed calls?" I yell when he picks up.

"Of course, shitty Yo."

"You're a useless best friend, I need you but your never around." I yell

"Oi Yo I take offense." He shouts.

I turn around and he's behind me, I flick his head. He complains, I flick it again. He makes threats, I grab his ear and drag him to a nearby bench.

"Yo why so violent in the morning." He whines sitting next to me.

"Do you have any bloody idea what's happening." I yell

"What?" He says rubbing his ear.

I smack his forehead and tell him, his mouths hanging open, yeh now you know.

"Who would have thought it was P'Bee." I sigh

"My mother's here??? You think she went to my room? I have things she can't see Yo!!" He's scared.


"Everything I said that's what you get?"

"I need to seriously check in with you daily, I miss to many things otherwise." He sighs.

He moves before I can flick him again. "Anything else I should know?" He glares at me.

I show him the message.

"Oh common. I bet it was that bitch! She had P'Pha's phone right." He's pissed. "We could make it look like a hit and run." He's nodding his head.


"Fine we could make someone make it look like a hit and run." He's impressed with himself. This idiot.

Were still talking when I get a call from Aunty, we both listen. She wants P'Bee's number, she thinks its best if they talked.

"Aunty is that a good idea?" I ask

"It's best to clear things, the longer it remains, the bigger an issue it becomes. Ahn wants to meet her."

"Are you going?" I ask

"No dear, its best if they talk."

I give the number, and also send P'Bee a quick message. We both pace a while then head to class, I keep zoning out, I don't know what the professor said. Just before lunch, Ming calls, he found out P'Forth had to leave early, he's got family stuff.

I call P'Forth, check if Bas is okay. He laughs and says P'Bee had an appointment with someone and they hadn't sorted the babysitter yet so he came back. He tells me when and where.

"Yo why the hell the disguises?" Ming's moaning again.

"Because idiot we would attract to much attention." I snap

We skipped class, and got here 30 minutes before the time there meeting. It has to be P'Bee and P'Ahn, I'm worried and Ming wants to snoop. We sit at a table, looking around.

"How the hell can you date someone who has shirts like this Yo?" Ming's complaining again.

"Oi. Everyone is allowed a bad choice now and them." I defend P'Pha.

"One yes but two shirts like theses? I look like a 50-year-old."

"Don't start, or I'll tell P'Kit you're the one taking his un.."

"Don't you dare..."

We both stop when someone big comes to stand behind us.

"Hey guys, remember me?"

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