Alex pov
I woke up with Adriana in my arms She looked really fucking adorable in her sleep , god I am a creep , but there was just something about her that was different about her then the other woman I have been with for instance I would have never held one of my old whores in my arms I mean I could fall asleep with мое все no wear near me and wake up with her in my arms and I hate to admit it but it felt nice I didn't like the fact that this girl was turning me soft I wasn't gonna let her be my weakness , besides I don't know how to give someone unconditional And affection it's not really something I was taught as a kid my dad would beat me test poisons on me making me into the perfect soldier as he would say , but to be honest I felt bad for мое все roped into a marriage with a man who wasn't in love with her it stung even worse knowing that man was me ( will Alex ever love Adriana ) I looked over at the clock 6:29
I better wake up Adriana before we're late
Hey котенок wake up , ughhhhh why , the party , oh yeah she get up and takes a shower she finishes and goes to the closet and comes out wearing this

Alex povI woke up with Adriana in my arms She looked really fucking adorable in her sleep , god I am a creep , but there was just something about her that was different about her then the other woman I have been with for instance I would have neve...

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And damn did she look good I finished dressing and we walked out into the car

Time skip ( arriving at the party )

Adriana pov
We walk into the party immediately notice my parents waving me over old fucker me and Alex walk over to them , hello father I say coldly , Adriana , hello sweetheart says my mother I look over at her hey mom I say as I go over to hug her to be honest I don't love my dad my dad always treated me and my sister like crap and always treated my brother like the star of his eye so me and my dad never really got along he abused me as a kid and the giving my hand away in marriage thing didn't help . sweetheart says mom there's some girls that I wanted you to meet there actually apart of the mafia , this is venessa , Alex , Ambur , Julia , Dorthy , and Mandie , Mandie greeting us first Alex grabs me by the waist and pulls me to his side I lay my head on his shoulder , a look of envy spreads across her face I just look at her up and down she had light brown skin long black hair  I look at Alex and a frown almost spreads across but I quickly stop myself the way he stares at her he looked at her as if she was the only thing in the room and she smiles at him , but I'm quickly proved wrong when the face changes to a look of disgust her smile quickly morphing to a frown I see what Alex was doing here and it was quite amusing , did you miss me baby she says to Alex Alex scoffs and she is shoved to the side by Ambur , sorry about hat Mandie is a real bitch who doesn't know her place she's fake as hell too so your mom wanted me and my friends to introduce ourselves so hey my names ambur this is Dorthy , this is Marie , this is Julia and you've clearly already met that little cunt over there , nice to meet you I say shaking her hand so how old are you guys we're all 17 actually Chasity is 18 though , oh ok so do you guys go to school or , ya we do we are transferring to your high school , oh that's cool well I guess I'll see you guys around , ya you will bye Adriana , bye , they seem nice

Time skip ( back at home )

Adriana pov
We walk into the house and I go straight into the room change and then slump down onto the bed soon Alex joins me we soon fall asleep

Next morning

Adriana pov
I wake up with Alex's arms around me he soon wakes up good morning котенок Alex says , morning , you know we have school today right , ughhhhh , I get out of bed and dress myself

Time skip ( at school )

Alex pov
I had a plan that I wasn't planning on sharing with котенок I was gonna give jack what he deserves for hurting мое все and I found out that he partnered with the American mafia little cunts , that's the real reason we came back to the states . We walked into the school jade coming over to greet us , she look down to Adriana waste and scoffs when she sees my hand wrapped around it I just smirk , so I see you two are still together she says , yup says Adriana , so I say intervening in their little staring contest do you know wear jack is Adriana gives me a did look , ya he's in the gym says jade , I kiss Adriana good bye and head to the gym , I go up to jack and tell him to meet me after school not explaining to him why

Time skip ( after school )

Alex pov
I told Jack to meat me at the same warehouse we met at when me and Adriana went on that date I'm just arriving now I go into the ware house to see That Jack is early , your early , ya I know so what did you want me here for well I wanted to talk about Adriana , why , well we were talking and she told me some things about why you guys broke up , ok and , she told me you hit her , well that's not true , so you accusing her of lying , Alex you know how these woman are just doing this shit for the attention , I smack him across the face , what fuck did you just say about her , she's a lying little bitch , I punch him in the jaw you want to try that again , he coughs out blood , you know what ya you both are bitches , I punch him again this time knocking him out , I call one of my soldiers over and he takes him to a compound I run here in New York . I go home and see that Adriana and those girls we met at the party sitting in the living room Adriana get up and greets me the rest of them say Hi after that I just go into me and котенок's room I sit down on the bed about an hour later котенок comes into the room and tells me they all left she sits down , so we're have you been you left school in a rush she says , ya it was some meeting I was called to , oh ok she lays down on my chest

Adriana pov
Alex says that he went to a meeting but I don't believe him he wraps his arms around my waist and we fall asleep . ( how will Adriana react to Alex "Tourturing" jack )

The group of girls that I added in are based on some of my friends but Mandie is made up and also guess who wrote over 2000 words . This girl . Until next time love you guys byeeeee

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