Chapter 3 - Acquaintances

Start from the beginning

"Do you really have to sit there?" I asked with a sigh,

"Well it's either next to you or next to Vicky" he explained and sure enough when I looked around the class I saw that Victoria and one of her sidekicks were sitting on the second row chatting,

"Why do I have to have so many classes with obnoxious people in them" I groaned banging my head on my desk,

"Cheer up Alex, History isn't that bad" I heard a girls voice and I lifted my head to happily see Jessica sitting in the seat in front of me.

"I hate History." I grumbled, out of all my classes history was my least favourite. "Is it time for lunch yet?" I asked her hopefully, she just laughed and shook her head as Mr Johnson walked into the room instantly making the whole class silent. I could tell that he was one of those teachers that you don't get on the wrong side of. He wore an old fashioned light brown suit and looked around fifty, his grey hair was slicked back and he held three large text books in his arms.

After an hour of hell, learning about World War two, I managed to escape to the heavenly maths classroom. I loved maths almost as much as languages so it was a nice break after that horrible history lecture. That was until I looked around the room and saw Jackass sitting on the third row,

So this meant that I have every single lesson with him. Karma must be upset with me, I knew I should have recycled that pizza box.

Sitting as far away from him as I could I ended up in the front row on the left, the lesson began and I was swept up into the world of numbers and equations.

By lunch time I practically ran to the cafeteria, my stomach growling with hunger. Finally making it to the queue, my mouth watered as I saw that the Tuesday special was pizza. I swear, at that moment I heard heavenly voices sing hallelujah.

"Alex!" a voice shouted across the cafeteria, once I had paid for my food, "Alex, over here. Come sit with us" the voice said, I looked around and realised it was Jessica who called me, so I walked over to her and she smiled happily at me.

"Hi" I said, as I reached the table.

"Hey, So I know you said that making friends is a bad idea, what with you having to move again, but I was thinking, it wouldn't hurt if we were acquaintances." she explained making me smile.

"Acquaintances? Yeah, alright that sounds good." I agreed taking a seat next to her,

"Great, well let me introduce you to the gang" she cheered, "That's Darren" she began pointing to the boy sitting across from her who gave me a small wave, he had dirty blonde hair and was wearing a T-shirt with the words 'don't eat yellow snow' written on it, "he thinks he's funny so just laugh at all his jokes" Jessica whispered in my ear,

"I heard that." Darren yelled throwing a piece of peperoni from his pizza at her.

"That is Madeline, she's a big nerd" Jessica continued motioning to a red headed girl sitting next to Darren with her head in a text book. She looked up at the mention of her name and smiled at me, "You can call me Maddie" she told me before returning to her book,

"And that's Carlos" Jessica said as a boy with brown hair sat down next to me,

"Hi, you're in my Spanish class right?" I asked, remembering seeing him before.

"Yes, you're Alex and you like pizza." he said with a small smile looking at my lunch.

"That's right" I agreed.

"I'm not surprising Jess made friends with the new kid," he said,

"We're not friends we're acquaintances" Jessica corrected in a business like tone, I burst out into laughter causing Jess to do the same. Carlos looked at us both in confusion,

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