Chapter 17

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Damian's voice draws Eliza and Vivian from their reverie. Bitter guilt chews at the base of Vivian's stomach. She wasn't supposed to go back to her. Be with her, alone, like this. But she had caved, too weak to fight the pull that drew her and Eliza ever closer. The feeling was stifling, yet Vivian pushed it to the pit of her stomach, turning to face her comrade. Lola and Theo flanked Damian, their capes clasped tightly around their throats, similar to Damian's.
    Theo stepped past Damian, handing Vivian her alabaster cloak. His face was a mask of concern, but something unidentifiable lurked behind his green gaze.
    "What's going on?" Vivian asked softly, her fingers brushing his.
    Theo shrugged, taking her hand. "I don't know. But it's something bad. Damian was quick to get here, and I'm sure we caused some alarm in the crowds below."

    Damian walked briskly to Eliza. Eliza no longer remained shaken and snatched her cloak from Damian. The black-headed boy whispered something in her ear and the leader's expression grew grim. Damian stepped back and Eliza's head rose.
    "Our plan has changed. Guests are leaving the gala sooner than we anticipated. They've begun to mingle with partygoers and family. Now would be our time to sneak in."
    Vivian's eyes shifted to the raging crowds below the building.

    "Damian says there's been no movement outside the house at all which is strange, to say the least. Knowing the man we're here for, security should be swarming the place."
     The caramel skinned girl started forward, stepping to the lip of the building. The moon glowed in the sky, casting a shadow across Eliza's face. She pointed to the Gold house that hulked just upon the horizon.
    "There. The Gold house has two access points. Theo and Lola will try the entrance door. They're least to be suspected and can pass as a couple,"
    Vivian made a displeased sound in the back of her throat. Wouldn't it have been easier for her and Theo to go together as they were already a couple? Eliza's eyes darted to Vivian, a movement so slight one would have to be intently watching to catch it.
    "Vivian and I will take the back exit. Damian, you're on the roof. Stay in the shadows until you're given the signal to advance. Now go."

    A strong hand laid on her shoulder and Vivian spun.
    "Be careful," Theo whispered, his nose brushing her's. His hot breath fanned across her lips and she nodded, entrance by his green gaze.
    "You too. I don't want you coming home in pieces."
    Theo smiled, pressing his mouth to Vivian's. It was warm and rough and tasted like alcohol from the night. Vivian laced her fingers around Theo's necks and they parted for one last goodbye.
    "When this is over, I want to give you something," Theo whispered, brushing the tips of his fingers against her cheekbone.
    Vivian gazed up at him through her lashes, a coy smile playing on her lips. "More gifts?"
    Theo chuckled. "You deserve the world." 
     He kissed her again, one more time. "Until then, Vivian."
    And then he was gone in a wisp of emerald smoke.
    Vivian clutched her hands to her chest, sighing ever so softly.

    "Until then, Theo."

    Eliza and Vivian moved quickly amongst the dark shadows, always keeping the Gold house just in sight. They were a whisper of breath in the air and they passed with only the snap of a cloak and patter of feet. The party raged outside the alleyways in which they leaped. Smells of fried food and booze making Vivian slightly woozy. But with the dancing people and bright lights was something darker.

    Eliza seemed almost scared as she and Vivian approached their access point. The door was short and made of roughly hewn wood. The steps to the door were made of stained cement and dipped below the earth to lead to the door.
    "Be on your guard," Eliza whispered, deftly unlocking the door and slipping in.

    They made quick work of moving. They entered a cold cellar lined with cubbies of wine. A small stone staircase leads up through the house and Vivian lead the way blindly, something she despised. They entered a hallway carved from gold. It shined in the orange light provided by flickering torches. Beautiful yet sinister paintings lined the walls, the features of the models smoothed with oil paints of rich color. As the pair of them traversed the halls, Eliza grew more rigid.

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