Chapter 11

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    By the time spring had rolled around, Vivian had many things to look forward too. Her friendship with Lola had blossomed impossibly well since their conversation in the garden, and the number of private talks had grown drastically between them. Sometimes, after her arduous training session with Damian, she and Lola would recline on a grassy hill top and talk softly, the wind carrying their words to no other ears but theirs.
  She couldn't imagine life without the manor.
  The second thing she looked forward to was Theo, the bright sun that warmed her entire day. She looked forward to their brief passes in the hall when they would make eye contact, sharing a secret between them. It often left Vivian flustered and shy.
    Theo showed Vivian good things in life. How to drink the sweet nectar from a honeysuckle and to dance in the empty ballrooms when no one was looking. He helped her to forget the sorrows that had plagued her life in the last few months.

    Theo surprised her often, whether it be a small kiss in the mornings, or a dinner beneath the twinkling springtime stars. Vivian loved how tentative he often was, his lips just barely brushing hers until she insisted that a rougher course of action was welcomed.
    To Vivian, it seemed Theo was entirely too good for her.

    She hadn't seen much of Eliza as spring crept around the corner like a cautious mouse. It seemed the both of them were avoiding each other. Vivian wasn't too eager to seek out the girl and anyways, she had her schedule full of things to pass the time.

    A soft knock on Vivian's door pulled her from her thoughts. She straightened her white cloak, brushing off pieces of imaginary lint. She knew who she would face on the other side of the door and a soft smile tugged at her lips.
    "Come in." She called softly, smoothing down her raven locks.
    The door open with a click and Theo peeked his head in, smiling just enough for his dimples to show.
    "Hey." He greeted gingerly, entering the room fully. His messy brunette hair peeked out from beneath his hood (that he insisted he still wore), brushing his sun kissed cheeks. He took Vivian's hand carefully, pulling her to him. They smiled at one another like teenagers in love. Of which, they were.
    "There's a meeting in the dining hall." Theo murmured. "I came to walk you."
    Vivian felt her stomach plummet, but offered Theo a smile, however uneasy it was.
    "Thank you for thinking of me."
    Theo nodded, pecking Vivian's lips lazily before releasing her from their embrace and pulling her towards the door.


    Vivian's stomach twisted with anticipation as she took a seat in one of the high backed chairs. Lola and Damian sat across from her. Damian's cold eyes were calculating, and Vivian detected a brewing storm in his mind. His hands were clasped tightly together on the table, the whites of his knuckles visible, even from here.
    Lola held an air of placidity, but it did not take a mind reader to tell that she, too, was nervous. Her eyes flitted around the room over so often, panicky and wild in state. A sharp contrast to the rest of her body. Everyone was on edge.

    "Hey," Theo whispered, taking a seat next to Vivian. She looked at him through worried eyes. He smiled reassuringly, laying a hand on her forearm. His calloused thumb ran over her hot skin, but his eyes never averted.
    "There's nothing to worry about. We'll be fine."
    True, Vivian thought. At least they'd be together.

    The doors to the dining hall flew open with vigor, banging against the walls and making everyone jump. Eliza strode into the room purposefully, her mouth set into a deep scowl. Her cheeks were more sunken than the last time Vivian had saw her and her hair hung limp around her face. White bandages stained with a yellowish-red mixture were wrapped carefully around the leader's arms. She was still healing?

    "Good Morning, everybody." Eliza began, her eyes surveying the room coldly. Pure business. She strode to the head of the table, pulling out the intricately carved chair and sitting down in a swift movement.    
    "As you know the last mission we went on ended up being a set up. Mr.Coppen knew that we we're coming which cost us intel and risked our lives." Eliza said.
    Vivian shivered, her hand rubbing at her shoulder subconsciously, the twins flashing through her mind like a nightmare. Theo caught her eye.

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