Chapter 8

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Vivian didn't speak about the murder of Senator Tager.

She knew that the Omen had blood on their hands. But that statement had become very real to her.

Spring washed in like the tide, advancing confidently with warmth and white sunshine one day and retreating the next. On some days the new vibrant hues of the pansies and daffodils were bathed in the tepid air that encouraged them gently, on others the wintry wind gusted fiercely - demanding a return to the bitterness of the months before. But like the tide, the spring would not be stopped, and with the income of May, the winter chill was a distant memory.

Her days became an endless cycle of training with Damian and Eliza with only brief moments of relaxing with Theo or Lola. Both had become good friends of Vivian. But as she walked into the living room early in the morning and found all of the members of the omen there she knew that today was going to be different.

Theo motioned towards the seat next to him and Vivian quickly took a seat.

"What's going on?" Vivian whispered to Theo, curious.

"Eliza has a mission for us." He responds softly, running a hand through his brown hair.

Vivian should have been scared. But instead she felt pumped, excited, more alive than she had ever thought possible. This was her chance to prove herself, and that was better then any gift they could give her. She watched Eliza who was whispering to Damian with a eager eye before Eliza sighed and turned to the group, her face hard as she began,

"Christopher Coppen. A Forensic scientist that works in the government and has been a leading suspect in human experimentation" Eliza explaining and an image flashes in Vivian eyes. A man with grey hair and dark eyes. Blood covers the jacket he wore and a his face was contorted into a vicious grin. Christopher Coppen. Vivian blinked shaking the image out of her head and directing her attention back to Eliza's words.

"Lucky for us Doctor Christopher is visiting the Gold house. Where we will be waiting for him." Eliza said before fixing all of them with serious glare. The gold house is where the president and other highly praised officials conducted their business. Vivian used to pass it on her way home. It was lined with security and guards, it looked more like a prison then a house. " We won't need to worry about Raphael because he is on a business trip in the north section of Blair. So, we gather information and see if the man has any information on the president's or Raphael next move. And if he's any use to us alive."

Vivian paled slightly as another image flashed before her eyes, it seemed to burn into her skull. Figures lie like dolls, each one in a different setting, their limbs at awkward angles and heads held in such a way that they cannot be sleeping. She quickly pushed the images out of her mind and let out a shaky breath as she stood up ignoring the look Theo gives her.

"We meet in the front of the manor in 10 minutes, so gather your things. Vivian come with me." Eliza states and everyone splits up. Theo gives Vivian a casual salute which she returns with a small wave before following Eliza. They walked through the manor before they stopped at a wooden door. It swung open with a groan, clearly not often used. She steps inside and Vivian immediately realizes why.

It was an armory lined a variety of weapons, all seemingly deadly in their own fashion.

"I wanted give you a weapon. We have all wielded one, some more then others" Eliza said motioning to her sword on her back. She knew the others used swords, and each had a gem in the middle of the handle that was color coordinated with their cloak's color. Eliza's sword was no different. It had a black handle with a dark gem resting in the middle of it and Vivian felt a shiver run through her. How many have met their end on that sword?

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