Chapter 16

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    "You look different."

    Theo leaned against the frame of the doorway, his arms crossed over his broad chest. Vivian could just see him in the mirror.
    She rolled her eyes, setting her comb down on the vanity. Her raven locks tumbled down her back in silky waves and she turned to face her lover. She wore a simple white t-shirt, roughed up jeans and dirtied combat boots. It was an outfit Vivian was familiar with and brought back a sense of nostalgia. It was inconspicuous, which is what Eliza wanted.

   Tonight was the festival. Just beyond the manor's cliff edge, Vivian could see the buildings strung with colorful paper and lanterns carved intricately hanging from lush tree branches. It was also the day they would kill Raphael, and the thought set warmth through Vivian every time she remembered. Soon all of this would be over.

    "You don't look so bad yourself." She said, stepping up to him and pressing a slow kiss against his stubbled cheek.
    Theo's cloak, for once, was nowhere in sight. He wore an olive green shirt that wrapped around his biceps nicely and loose blue jeans. His wild brunette curls were fly away and Vivian wished to run her fingers through them but knew better too.
    Theo smiled, taking her hand. "Are you ready?"
    "Not just yet."

    Vivian pressed Theo against the doorway, leaning up and brushing her lips against his. His mouth stretched across his cheeks in a smile and he pressed his knuckles against the small of Vivian's back, pulling her closer.
    "What was that for?" He asked breathlessly as they parted. "Not that I'm complaining."
    Vivian smiled shyly, shrugging her shoulders. But her eyes flickered. Really, the kiss had been a goodbye, if it came to it. No one knew how the night would go. It would either end with all of them or Raphael dead.

    Vivian jumps as a sharp knock intrudes on her and Theo's loving moment and before the door even flies open, Vivian knows it's Lola. Vivian looks her over, flicking an eyebrow up.
    "You look good." Vivian compliments. "I like the flowers."
    Lola wears a beryl blue v-neck with tight dark jeans. Her hair is braided back with chrome yellow flowers, their green vines intertwined around the strands of her golden hair.
    Lola stuffs her hands in her pockets, dimples punctuating her cheeks.
    "Thanks. Damian gave them to me."
    Vivian's face broke into a grin.
    "Oh really? I--"

    "Can we go?" Theo interrupted, slightly irritable.
    Vivian laughed, nudging Lola affectionately. "He just doesn't want to be caught in our girl talk crossfire." She giggled. Lola chuckled along.
    "We should go, though. Everyone's waiting."

    As the trio walked briskly down the halls of the manor, Vivian took care to peek into each room. She remembered when she had first come here, half-unconscious. How she had been scared witless and was forced to make a decision that would ultimately alter her future for the better. It occurred to her just how much this place meant to Vivian. It was her home now.
    As they walked, maids and employees waved and Vivian offered a shy smile back, unlike Lola who grinned like a mad woman.

    They pushed the doors to the gardens open. Bees buzzed merrily along the blooming flowers and the sun warmed Vivian's face. Five strong horses were presented before them, their coats gleaming. Damian was saddling one of them and Vivian whistled lowly. He sure looked different to his usual stiff demeanor. She didn't miss the way her friend's cheeks lit with a fiery warmth. Damian wore a loose-fitted long burgundy shirt and ripped dark jeans. His hair, which had grown over the course of Vivian's time here, was slightly less tamed than usual, and as he reached up to tighten the saddle, his shirt lifted to reveal the creamy taught skin of his stomach.
    "Are we all set?" Vivian asked, snapping Damina's attention away from the horses.
    Damian's fingers left the leather strap of the horse's bags filled with supplies and nodded. "Almost."
    Vivian spied her cloak spilling from one of the satchels mounted on an ivory horse. They were planning to change into their cloaks once midnight struck and the government officials party had officially begun.
    A cold pit grew in Vivian's stomach. Tonight, she would murder a man.

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