13. Cold feet

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Finn was right. Being with him was dangerous and somebody just proved me that they weren´t all talk, no action. The more involved i get with Finn, the closer someone is to pulling the trigger. 

I knew i said i was willing to risk it all. But how far would you be willing to go when you know someone will stop at nothing to make your life a living hell? 

I was constantly kept an eye on. Someone is always there with me wherever i go. Hell, i bet they are even here now. I went from being the though girl to now be living in fear. 

I looked at Finn, trying to find out wether he was worth it or not. His emerald eyes met mine, causing my palms to get sweaty. My heart said yes, but my brain said no. 

Finn´s voice broke my thoughts. ´´I´m sorry, Cass. It´s all my fault. I shouldn´t have been so selfish. Hell, i knew this would happen. And the worst part is that this is only the beginning´´ guilt flashed trough his eyes. 

´´You don´t know that, Finn. It could be just a random thief´´I said, trying to take away his guilt. Even though i knew this wasn´t random. It was a warning. Maybe even the final. 

I scanned the room as i walked further inside. It was a mess. The shelves were pushed over, books and other things were thrown around on the floor. I could feel the pit in my stomach growing larger as i saw what´d happened. 

We made our way into my living room to check the condition there. Shockingly, everything seemed to be just as i left it. My eyes caught my computer, it was thrown open now. I was pretty sure i left it closed. Finn sent me a worried glare, not knowing what i reacted to. I sat down next to my computer and that´s when i saw it. 

The computer screen revealed a picture of me and Finn kissing. To be exact, the picture was taken today, only a few hours ago.  

Finn and I exchanged glares. 

If i said i was terrified earlier, it was an understatement by now.

´´It doesn´t look like a random thief to me, Cass´´ i heard desperation in his voice as he pulled his fingers through his hair. ´´This has gone too far´´

I should have seen this coming, but i couldn´t tell Finn. I couldn´t tell him about the messages.

´´You´re absolutely not staying by yourself tonight. Bring some clothes and we´ll be driving to my place in ten´´his protective voice took over.

To my suprice the words slipped out of my mouth before even realising it myself. ´´I´ll stay with Emma tonight´´

´´W-what?´´Finn said

´´I think you heard me perfectly fine, Finn´´ What had gotten in to me? I didn´t even realise what i was saying before after they slipped out. Yes, i wanted to stay with Finn. But i knew it wouldn´t be for the best. My best. 

´´Cass--´´ Finn gripped my wrist, pulling me closer to him and using two fingers to tilt my chin up to look at him. His touch tingled and burned against my skin. I tried to get out of his grip. 

´´I think it´s for the best that you leave´´ Not saying anything else, his eyes were now glossy and then he walked away from me with his fist clenched. Leaving me alone, broken and scared. 

Searching for Emma´s caller id on my phone, i stopped scrolling as my eyes fixated on Finn´s name. I stared at it for what seemed like hours, debating wether or not i should call him. I was stupid. I´d probably ruined any chance that i had with him. Our friendship. But i didn´t want this to be our last conversation. 

Before i could do something stupid, my phone vibrated in my hand. My body heated as i hoped Finn had texted me. To my luck, it wasn´t him.  Probably as expected, i had a new message from unknown. 

They are still watching me. The thought caused goosebumps to rise on my skin.

´´Keep up the good work, and you might get a cookie´´

This is what they want and i was giving them it far too easily. 

I felt like hours passed before i heard a loud knock on my door. Silently, I made my way towards the door, opening it slowly to make sure it was the person i expected standing outside. As i saw the blond long hair, i knew i was safe. Well at least for now. But seing Emma, wasn´t a relief. It was everything but. I felt bad for thinking that seing as she´s my only friend here and i care about her. There´s just something about the way she acts that makes me think that there´s more to the story than i know. 

´´Thanks for coming´´I said as i pulled her into a hug. ´´It feels like it´s been forever ago´´ a lot had happened since i last saw her, without a doubt. ´´Ditto. What have you been up to lately?´´Emma asked as she plucked up a piece of broken glass, looking worried at me. Crap, i must have forgotten that one as i tidied up this place, trying to get my mind off of Finn. Finn. Keep it together, Cass. You are acting stupid. 

´´Nothing much, really. I´ve mostly stayed in catching up on series since i haven´t been feeling so good´´I forced a smile as images of the past few days played over in my mind.  ´´What about you?´´I asked as we made our way into my kitchen. I picked up two mugs as i waited for her to answer. ´´Same old i guess. I´ve been with Jack the entire time´´ Emma said happily, even though i could see liar being spelled on her forhead. Whatever she´d been doing, she didn´t want me to know. 

´´How´s Jack?´´I asked. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. ´´He´s great. By the way, how did you little visit to Finn pay of?´´ i heard her voice change as she mentioned his name, trying to keep it casual even though i wasn´t fooled that easily. I hesitated before answering. ´´I just handed him his wallet and left. However i think he was pleased to get it back tho´´ Emma scanned my face of any sign that could lead to a different answer. ´´Why?´´I asked. She bit her lip and i could see her usualy blue eyes being a shade darker. ´´I was just worried that he´d hurt you. After all he is Finn Harries´´ Could that be why her voice changes at the mention of his name? Did Finn hurt Emma?   

´´Emma? Did something happen to you?´´ as she realised what i was saying, Emma choked on her breath. I automatically regretted asking her. ´´You don´t have to talk about it´´ I said, placing a reasuring hand on her  shoulder. ´´Cass, you have to promise not to say anything to anyone´´she almost whispered. ´´Of course Emma´´

´´He killed her´´ I felt sick as soon as the words came out. My Finn couldn´t possibly be a murderer. ´´Killed who, Emma?´´ tears were streaming down my cheeks. ´´Emmy, his sister´´ 

That couldn´t be true. Finn had just told me he was searching for her killer. Unless-- unless it was all a lie. 

At this point i realised i was all by myself surrounded with people feeding me lies or treathening to kill me. I was alone and i couldn´t trust anyone. Not even the people i cared about. 

Fix you - A Finn Harries fanficजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें