12. For your own protection

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´´Do you have to be so stupid?´´Finn said, his voice a little higher than expected. 

´´Great, first i am no one to you, then i am a slut and now i am suddenly stupid? Geez, descide already´´i spat 

Finn clenched his fist, and made the grip on my wrist even stronger. ´´Let go of me Finn. You´re hurting me´´I said. My wrist was probably bruised. I could see regret flashing through his eyes as he let go. 

I looked at my wrist to see red marks after Finn´s fingers. Holding back the tears, about to go, Finn´s words stopped me.  ´´You´re neither of those things, Cassie´´ Finn´s features softened and instead of the side of him he showed me a few minutes ago, he was all of the sudden really fragile. 

´´Are you just saying that to make me feel better or because you want to sleep with me? ´´i asked, not forgiving him for refering to me as a whore. And it was even worse to think that he looked at me that way. 

´´Im sorry for hurting you, Cas. But i was-- ´´ I looked at him. ´´You what Finn?´´i cried. ´´I was just trying to protect you. As i said, you shouldn´t have been here in the first place. And if they´d known´´Finn paused. ´´if they´d known what i feel about you, they would have used you against me every single time. And you would never be safe´´Finn said. I didn´t really notice that he had ended his sentence, the only thing i could think of was that he said he had feelings for me. My heart raced like crazy and my palms were getting sweaty. I´d suddenly forgotten all about the previous event. 

´´And how exacly do you feel about me?´´ i asked, stepping closer to him. 

´´You make me feel again and you make life worth living. It has been a long time since i last opened up to someone--´´ I didn´t give Finn time to finish, before brushing my lips against his, leading to a passionate kiss. 

Again i was too close to the fire, but i was also a part of the fire. I dont know which thought that scared me the most; to get burned or something else burning. 

´´Finn?´´I said, looking into his piercing green eyes. ´´Mhm´´ ´´Who are all of these guys´´ i asked, still remembering what happened the last time i´d asked him, but i didn´t care 

´´It doesn´t matter. I don´t want you getting into this´´ Finn said. Why wouldn´t he tell me. ´´Finn, i am already in the middle of it. If you want me to be safe, i at least gotta know´´ i held his hand inbetween mine. 

Finn bit his lip, looking distant. ´´Three years ago my sister was killed´´ Finn paused and i could see that he was hurting. ´´I´m trying to find out who´s responsible´´ I steppet closer pulling him into a hug to let him know that i was there for him. 

´´The less you know, the safer you´ll be´´ he said, more to him self than to me. This wasn´t the right time to ask him any more questions. 

I could feel the warmth from his body and his heartbeat as my head rested on his solid chest. Everything felt so right, yet so wrong. I didn´t know what i´d gotten myself into, but what i knew was that there was no stepping back now. I felt Finn´s soft lip kissing my head. ´´I´ll help you´´ i said, truely meaning what i said. 

After this short time, Finn had made a huge inpact on my life and i this might sound chicè but what i feel for Finn isn´t something that happen often. This might be a once in a lifetime thing, or not. Either way, it was worth a risk. 


Finn and I had been driving in silence for the past ten minutes. Not an awkward silence, but a good comfertable one. I really liked that i didn´t have to feel like i have to hold a conversation with him the entire time.

Pulling up in my driveway, Finn looked at me kind of worried. ´´Want me to follow you inside?´´he asked.  ´´It´s fine, Finn. You don´t have to do that´´I smiled at him. The fact that he was so caring made my heart melt.

´´Are you sure? I´d sleep better knowing you are safe´´ I leant closer to him, kissing his lip softly. ´´I´ll be fine. I can call you before im off to bed?'´ I didn´t want him to worry about me. It´s my apartment we were talking about, it was completely safe.

´´Okay´´ Finn said, leaning in to kiss me one last time before i unlocked my seatbelt and got out of the car. The chill wind played with my hair, causing goosebumps to rise on my arms. It was pretty cold outside.

Reaching my doorstep, i noticed that my door was unlocked. Confused, i opened it slowly, only to see it trashed. My body froze as panic set in. Had i been robbed? Worse, were they still here? I could feel Finn staring at me through the window and then i heard a door close.

´´What´s wrong, Cas?´´Finn said as he came closer, trying to see whatever i was seeing. I tried to speak up. but my lips wouldn´t move.

Finn´s fist and jaw clenched. ´´Bloody hell´´Finn mouted before looking at me. ´´You stay here, i´ll check the entire floor´´he said before walking inside.

The fact that my aparment was trashed didn´t bother me. What bothered me was the thought of who was behind this. I was just starting to think of a person when i felt something vibrate in my pocket. 

My phone.  

I pulled it out of my pocket, again to see a unknown id pop up on my screen. 

´´Luckily for you, you weren´t home to watch the show. You better watch out bitch, cus next time your apartment won´t be the only thing trashed´´

Paranoia kicked in.

They were here. They were watching me. 

Fix you - A Finn Harries fanficWhere stories live. Discover now