5. Stitches

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I ran my fingers trough my hair, whilst sitting in the too white room. It all happened too fast. The only sounds in the room were heave breathing and the beep from the machines. It was all my fault. They wouldn´t have followed her if it wasn´t for me. I looked at her laying in tiny bed with her eyes closed, but her eyebrows were drawn a little bit more to each other than usual. A sign of pain. Her skin wasn´t oliven anymore, it was pale and bruised. I closed my eyes slowly. I should have known this was going to happen. A part of me wanted to leave this room and never look back, but the other part still had a little bit of humanity left. I needed to find out exacly what happened to her. 

´´Do you want some water or anything sir? You´ve been sitting here for hours´´ Cassie´s nurse said, the one that had been checking on her the past seven hours. The past seven hours had pulled me back into old memories, memories i´d want to forget. But now i couldn´t, i was reliving the worst memory of my life. Before i realised it, i was running out of the hospital and into nowhere. I needed to go away, but no matter where i go, i will always be a dead man. 


A strong pain caused me open my eyes slowly. I knew i shouldn´t have drinked as much as i did last night, though i couldn´t really seem to remember everything that happened last night. My mind was blurry. Al though, i do remember making out with a guy i know from somewhere.  I stared at a white roof.  My eyes moved around in the room. This wasn´t my room. My heart beated faster and my throat got dry. I needed to get out of here. I tried to move, but it was like my body was on fire. I let out a small moan. What happened? 

´´Oh good, you´re awake.´´ a unfamiliar woman said to me shortly after she entered the room. A nurse? What kind of a sick prank was this? Hadn´t they pulled it a little too far now? ´´You were very lucky, young lady.´´she said. I kept staring at her, not knowing what do to. ´´What is the last thing you remember, Cassie? ´´ She asked, looking at me with a sence of worry in her eyes. Biting my lower lip, i tried to dig deep into my memory. ´´What happened to me? ´´I asked when i decided it was useless trying to remember anything.  The woman avoided my gaze. ´´I don´t really know´´she paused. ´´the boy who were here five minutes ago didn´t tell me anything´´she sighed. A boy? What the fuck was she talking about? ´´A boy?´´I asked, looking at her. ´´Yeah, brown hair, piercing green eyes?´´She tried to make me remember, but without any luck. ´´He has been staying here for the past seven hours´´ I gasped lightly and this time not only because of the shooting pain that was moving around in my body. 

A blocked id popped up on my iphone screen. ´´Bitch got what she deserved. That´s what happen when you don´t follow the rules´´ My phone slipped out of my hand and landed on the white covers. I gasped for air. I reached after my phone again to see if there were any other messages from the same id.  I scrolled my finger over the screen. The first thing that caught my eye was; Stay away from Finn.  Finn. The memories hit me like a high-five in the middle of my face. My mind was filled with painful memories. 

I walked out of the pub, still feeling the butterflies in my stomach after the kiss. I touched my lip with my finger, smiling. Suddenly i heard the sound of wheels and before i knew it i got knocked down on the ground, feeling a pain i´ve never felt before. I was going to die. That was the last  thing i remembered before waking up here. Did Finn stay with here with me? If he did, where is he now? One thing i could say for sure, this wasn´t an accident. No wonder why he hadn´t said anything to the nurse. I was now officialy a target in a dangerous game. A game i was pretty sure i wouldn´t make it out alive of. 

Fix you - A Finn Harries fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora