2. On my mind

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´´Why did it take so long?´´Emma asked as I sat down next to her. Should i tell her about the mysterious guy i recently bumped into? ´´Some students greeted me´´I lied. I don´t know why i chose not to tell her. Though he seemed really familiar, I still couldn´t remember where or if i´d seen him somewhere before.   ´´Seen any attractive guys around the school yet?´´ Emma asked, raising her eyebrow teasefully. Again, i must admit that the guy I bumped into was pretty fine. ´´A few´´I said, grinning at her. That for a fact wasn´t a lie. There were many cute boys around the school, but none of them seemed like the kind of guy i would fall for. Even though i find that quite weird, because i didn´t really know them nor given them a chance. 

´´Jack´´Emma´s soft voice shouted when we walked together out in the hallway. Jack turned around to face both of us, with a smile on his face. Why did he always have to smile. Suddenly it hit me. Jack looked just like the guy i bumped into earlier. The guy that never really left my mind. Did Jack have a brother? I shaked the thought away. I wouldn´t ask Jack about it nor think about him anymore. ´´Cassie, are you listening?´´ Someone said, but i didn´t really notice anyone talking to me before i blinked slowly. ´´Hmm?´´I asked. ´´I was just asking you if you wanted to come to Jack´s party tonight?´´ She said. ´´We would all love it if you come with us, and we can get ready together´´She smiled at me, giving me no other reason than to say yes. ´´Sure, that would be great´´I said, sending her a smile. 

Kicking off my blue Toms, i went upstairs looking for a nice dress. Emma had given me all the details about later and decided that she will come to my house to get ready. I looked through my closeth without any luck. I had a lot of dresses, but i didn´t really feel like wearing any of them.  Without realising what i was doing, I walked into sisters old room. I opened the door to the closeth i never thought i would open. Then this red dress caught my eye. It was absolutly stunning,  with diamond details. It used to belong to my best friend. My big sister. My throat felt like sandpapers as I pictured her wearing that. Everything got interuped when i heard a knock on the door.  ´´Cass, are you ok?´´  A voice said. I turned around to see Emma looking at me worried. I smiled at her. ´´Yeah, i just sneezed´´I lied. She knew that I was lying too, but she changed the subject since she knew i didn´t want to talk about it. I haven´t talked about it before. Well, only with my parents. But ever since the accident i´ve never really been myself.  

´´Oh my god, you look so beautiful´´Emma squealed in excitement when i was ready. She had been doing my makeup and hair for over an hour. ´´And i´m totally jealous of the dress´´She added. I laughed. I´m not used to getting compliments. ´´Thank you. You don´t look so bad yourself´´I winked at her, making her giggle. 

´´There are so many people here´´I said as we walked outside to the ´´yard´´of Jack´s enormously house. I expected it to be some kind of a lawn or something, but it was everything i exceptected not. People was dancing around a cheeky pool as music from the too loud stereo was streaming into the air. ´´English parties are the best´´Emma said, smiling proudly. ´´There´s my girl´´A familiar voice said as I saw someone wrap their arms around Emma´s waist. Knowing it couldn´t be anyone else besides, Jack. ´´I´ll let you to have some time together´´I smiled and walked away, trying to find somewhere to get a drink. I walked towards a table filled with tons of drinks. Just as I had picked up one of the drinks, someone bumped into me. A solid chest crashed against mine. I felt liquid splash against my skin. ´´Watch it´´I spat, getting annoyed when I saw that my dress was ruined. I looked up at the person standing infront of me. He hadn´t rushed away like i thought he would have. ´´Looks like the two of us keeps bumping into each other. ´´ He said, making me shiver. His voice was so husky, i thought i would die. ´´You know if that´s supposed to be a hint for something you can just ask instead´´He added, winking at me. I noticed, yet again his piercing green eyes. I rolled my eyes. ´´With you?´´I paused, scanning his entire body, from toe to head. ´´No´´I smiled at him. ´´Whatever´´He rolled his eyes, leaving the party fast. So fast that i thought he made sure no one saw him. I was left with a tingling feeling. My body was warm after just seeing him. I didn´t know why he had such an effect on me. Whoever he was, why did it seem like he was hiding for someone? 

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