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Hi guys. 

It's been approximately 6 years since I wrote this book, and after unpublishing it for about a year I had decided to republish it. 

Why? I have no fuckin clue. 

So I'm sorry for anyone who's following got a spam upload notification. I'm also sorry for anyone who's 6 years older and doesn't want to be reminded of the creepypasta glory days. I KNOW I DON'T. 

But I republished it because I figured why not. 

I do ask, for anyone who's sat through this to take a look at my actual writing account. I don't do a lot of writing here because I'd prefer not to be reminded of my middle school days, but I might publish something here at some point. 

Anyway, the stories on my other account (and eventually here) are ACTUALLY written well. I mostly do short stories but I'm working on a murder-mystery/romance novel that will be uploaded at some point. As well as a mystic/occult romance novel. I'm not sure which to work on first so let me know which you prefer. 

Anyway, I may add extra shit to the book for the sake of posting, but don't bet on it. 

love you all, and I'm sorry that it's back. 

- Maddie

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