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S L E N D E R M A N~

You couldn't take it anymore. You were so sad. you got up from your bed, walked to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. your hair was a mess, knots and tangles everywhere. you had bags under your bloodshot eyes, from the lack of sleep and all the crying. you lifted your shirt to show your paler skin and extruding rib cage. you had enough.

you opened the cabinet to show a bottle of pills you had gotten from the therapist your mom had forced you to go to. it was still full. you didn't want to eat them before . . . but now, you wanted them more than ever.

you pulled them out and put about 10 in your hand. you kept a glass in your bathroom and filled it with water. you were about to gulp them down when a weird thing wrapped around your wrist making you drop the pills. you looked over to see slenderman, walking towards you.

"DON'T YOU DARE," He said, scaring you but the way his voice changed.

"b-but . . . I-I n-"

"i said DON'T" He yelled.

just then you broke out crying, not from fear but from loneliness. he pulled you into a comforting hug.

"Now, tell me exactly what happened"


"so this is my fault?" he asked.

"n-no. it's mine. I should have come to talk to you before," you said back.

"yeah but I never noticed that I had been neglecting you like that. especially in a time of need." he replied, his voice in sorrow and regret, "who are these people that did this to you?"

"oh, the popular kids in school. but there's nothing to do about it," you said.

he stayed with you for the next few days, helping you gain your weight back and get back to normal. when you finally went back to school, you noticed a large decrease in jocks. all the jocks that did those things to you just happened to go missing. of course, you did say thank you.


B E N D R O W N E D~

it had been the longest time since you had eaten. and it was really taking a toll on you. your hair had grown, your skin had gotten paler, and your vision was not at its best. you figured that it was for the best. you turned onto your side and passed out.

your BF, BEN had walked in excited to see you after those tough few weeks. you always record a video around 11 am and post it the following day. it was 11:14 and you were in bed, and he knows you hate it when you start to record late. he tried to wake you up . . . but you didn't. he turned you onto your back and saw the way your face paled and hair grew. . . .

. . .

he flipped out . . .

he checked your pulse, it was there, but hanging by a thread. he grabbed your light body and went into the TV and came out next to the hospital, he busted in as a doctor came to asked what happened. BEN had no idea.

you woke up in the hospital with BEN crying next to you with his head in his hands, he hadn't noticed that you had woken up.

"don't be a baby," you said, your voice kind of raspy since you hadn't spoken in weeks.

he looked up and next thing you know, your being engulfed in a hug. you giggled at his behavior.

you explained what happened and you were never bothered by the media again. after you gained your weight back you started recording again. your fanbase was worried, and your channel grew once more.

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