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S L E N D E R M A N~

you were cleaning up with the help of slenderman. you didn't know that slender had just mopped the floor and slipped, fell, hit your head, and of course . . . started cursing in Turkish.

"Seni orospu çocuğu! Allah kahretsin! O canım acaba!"

"um . . . are you okay dear?"

"Hayır iyiyim! Acı çekiyorum!"

"would you like some ice?"

"hayır hayır hayır. iyiyim"

"can you speak in english?

"What? OH yeah sorry! I didn't notice that I wasn't. no, it's fine! I'm okay" you said getting up and started cleaning again.


B E N D R O W N E D~

you weren't having a good day and were losing in another game with BEN. you don't lose that often, and when you do BEN shows off. You absentmindedly started talking in Finnish.


"mitä tahansa, olet surkea muutenkin. olet vain onnekas, että olen huono päivä."


"kuulit minua. sinä olet syvältä. olla tyytyväisiä, että en ole pelaajan perseeseen mailalla varten omahyväinen niin paljon."

"can you speak like a normal person?" he said, obviously getting angry.

just then, you realized you weren't speaking in English, but for gloating so much you decided to keep going.

"mitä tarkoitat? puhun kuin muita henkilö-"

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!?" he yelled.

"I AM SAYING STOP SHOWING OFF!!!!" you screamed, then walked to your room.


J E F F T H E K I L L E R~

you were walking down the street, till you saw a man who looked lost.

"hey are you lost?" you asked walking up to them.

"ich sprechen kein englisch" he said. 'german!' you thought. you were fluent in german!

"das ist gut! ich kann auch Deutsch!" you said back as Jeff looked at you like you were a stranger.

"Das ist großartig! Woher weißt du, wie man ins Rathaus kommt?" he asked.

"Ja! Dort links abbiegen, dann etwa vier oder fünf weitere Blocks hinunter sehen Sie die Stadtbibliothek! Geh gerade vorbei und du wirst da sein!" you said. 

"Danke!" he said waving while walking to where you said.

"Herzlich Willkommen! ready to go?" you said turning to jeff and walking away.

" . . . what . . . the . . . fuck . . ."


E Y E L E S S J A C K~

you had studied Latin teaching yourself and your friends to speak it so you could talk in front of people without them knowing what you say. your friend (BFF/N) was over while jack was there, but then . . . she said something . . . HORRIBLE!

"Remember that time that you got really drunk!" she said.

of course, you remembered. it was the most humiliating and worst thing you've ever done. you flirted with random people and peed yourself. you had told her to never bring it up since you weren't at the legal drinking age anyway.

"quod irrumabo! non dixi tibi, ut de illa!"

"Ego figuratur iam noverat? tua . . .boyfriend . . . est non elit. . ." she said back to you.

"scilicet ignorat? quod inter me et te!" you said.


"quae semper." you said then looking at EJ who was just staring.



(from now on you might slip into those different languages because why the hell not?!  


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