-At Dinner-

" How was your new tutor son?"

The table became deadly silent. Pha literally crushed the rice with agony. Ming smirked and took a few gulps of water trying to cover up his crooked lips.

" Uh f-fine. I-I guess" Wayo smiled sheepishly. Mrs. Kongthanin returned the smile whole heartedly yet Mr. Kongthanin didn't look much convinced.

" What do you mean? Your class teacher personally recommended the kid. Maybe I should have a word with hi-"

"NO!" Both Pha and Yo shouted at once but froze upon Mr. Kongthanin's death glare. Yo didn't want to be caught up for ditching his first tutorial session ( Which he had no idea about) whereas Pha dealing with a far more worse problem than his. What if the nerd tells his mom about the whole incident? or worse his dad? As much as he hates to work with his brother they NEED to cover up each other's backs in this one.

" And why is that hmm?" The low voice meant one thing. Their Dad is planning to dig in the deepest shit and find about every little detail.

"..haha n-nothing d-dad~ I-it's just he m-must be asleep by n-now" Yo's tongue twisted in every angle possible.

" Nonsense~ It's half past eight"

" N-no dad he's right. You see this kid is..........uh he...um he's poor! Yes he's poor so he has a part time job in the evening. H-he must be exhausted by now" Pha felt contented with his obnoxious lie. Ming snorted.

" Y-yeah! S-so we decided to continue the session at the library after school. I-it's more c-convenient r-right d-dad?"

Mr. Kongthanin fixed his glasses and looked at his very oddly behaving sons warily. Taking each other's sides plus convincing stories?....... something is definitely off. He nodded and flipped the pages of the news paper shrugging it off...... for now.

Pha and Yo sighed in relief. The dinner went smoothly after that. Except for Pha anyway. 

' For a such a small frame he sure has balls' Pha thought angrily.

"Ming honey~ Won't you stay the night? It's late" Yo's eyes twinkled in happiness and Pha rolled his eyes.

" Thanks auntie. But don't worry I've my bike. Besides it's only two blocks away" He smiled and bowed to Mr and Mrs Kongthanin politely and ruffled Yo's hair affectionately not forgetting to smirk at Pha smugly.


Pha dragged his feet towards the staircase and sighed miserably. How long he has to put up with this? He carefully took step by step.

" Son? Why are you limping?"



Kit clutched his bag strip tightly and stepped through the school gates. Almost everyone looks at him with hatred and it's uncomfortable. Wait... scratch that. Today everyone is looking at him. Whispering, murmuring and snickering more than previous days. What could have gone possibly wrong with in a day. Right?

He fished his pant pocket for the small key and unlocked his rusty locker with a creek. He lazily ran his fingers over the pile of books and stopped at a piece red paper printed with black bold letters.

                                                                            "  1st WARNING! "

The heck?

He crushed the crinkling paper and threw it to the nearest dumpster thinking it must be some kind of stupid prank. Taking the relevant books he went straight to the class only to find his desk and chair missing. Snickers erupted from the corner of the room. Putting his bag away he walked along the secluded corridors and rooms looking for them. He searched everywhere possible except........

Kit stopped in front the old spooky looking building with grey walls and gulped. He should have known. Of course they wanted to see him peeing in his pants. Nobody dares to enter to the school backyard. Specially this building. Though it's sunny the place is eerily dark due to huge trees preventing any ray of sunlight penetrating and is deadly silent except for the wind blowing sound like in horror movies. Gulping a huge lump of saliva Kit dragged his shaky legs in to the creepy building.

" H-hel-llo?"

Yeah right now you're talking to the walls

Carefully opening the wooden doors one by one he entered to the room at the very corner which is even darker and creepier than the rest. His palms are clammy and sticky due to sweating. Inside the room is pitch black making it impossible to take a step without getting himself killed. Kit let out a yelp as he bumped in to something.

Blindly roaming his hands over the cold wooden surface he sighed in relief. it's his desk. At least he found what he was looking despite the heart attack. However he froze on his track as some soft padding noises neared amplifying with each passing second.


A cold breeze swept through the opening door making goose bumps to appear all over his body. His heart thumped wildly threatening to jump out from his throat. Kit stepped back out of instinct only to stumble on the leg of the chair nearly crashing down. But something tugged him by his upper limbs tightly.

" SHIA!!!!!!!!!" Kit screamed and flailed his arms to break loose from the invisible hands.

" Hey calm down it's-"

Before the ghost could finish his sentence off Kit threw a punch blindly and hissed when it came to contact with a hard surface. The ghost cursed through gritted teeth and loosened the hold but just when Kit tried to break past he tugged him by his collar and pushed him to a wall gripping his hands behind his back. Kit panicked and almost cried being half scared to death.

" Pha is right. Your kicks and punches can do some serious damage~"

Kit stopped struggling and tried to look over his shoulder upon hearing a familiar voice. When the other felt Kit has calmed down he released the hands and took a step back from the smaller chuckling.


Who do you think the ghosty is? XD

Taming My KitKat (Phakit) (Mingkit) (Forthbeam) (Mingyo)Where stories live. Discover now