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"Are you ready for a day at La Casa de Hood?" Calum asked, giggling as he threw himself onto the couch.

I laughed at his childish behavior, taking a seat next to his feet. "Absolutely. What movies do you have?"

Calum groaned and sat up slowly, like a zombie rising from its tomb. "Go check, I'm too lazy to move." He pointed to the messy stack of movies positioned next to the TV and I rolled my eyes.

I slid down onto the ground and crawled over to the pile, sorting through the movies one by one. "Why do you have Mean Girls in here?" I asked, holding back another laugh.

"Because it's a good movie!" he said defensively, pouting.

I sighed and kept on shuffling through the pile. "Hey Riley," Calum said suddenly, sitting up straight.


"Your hair looks sexy pushed back." He sent me a goofy smile and I couldn't help but giggle.

"Yours too, Hood."

After a long and heated debate about whether we should watch a horror or romantic comedy, we both settled on something classic. "The Breakfast Club?" Calum suggested, breaking our long silence.

I squealed. "I love that movie!"

Calum rolled his eyes and chuckled as I slid the DVD in. I snuggled in close to him, resting my head on his muscular chest. I could hear the faint beating of his heartbeat and I felt every rise and fall as his heart picked up speed.

"You always used to like this movie, even when we were in middle school. Why?" Calum asked, playing with my hair as the opening scenes came on.

I shrugged. "I just think it's so un-cliche. I mean, that princess ends up with the bad boy, when everyone thinks she'll end up with the jock. How many times does that happen?"

Calum pursed his lips and draped one arm across my stomach. "That's true. So does that mean I'm the Bender to your Claire?"

I pretended to shudder. "As long as you don't grow your hair out to be that long then sure," I teased.

He dramatically gasped, knitting his eyebrows together. "I think I would look quite sexy with long hair, thank you very much."

I giggled and settled back down into his chest, turning on my side to get a better view of the screen. We watched the entire movie in silence, except for the few times that Calum had muttered something about Allison or Andy.

"I still don't know how they ended up together," Calum scoffed as the ending credits rolled. "All they ever did was fight. It's completely illogical.

"It's because despite their differences, they still like each other."

"Like you and me?" he suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.

I pushed myself up into a sitting position and turned to face him. "We have so much in common, what are you talking about?" I teased.

Calum stroked his chin for a few moments. "You're right. We both share the same planet, so we're pretty much twins."

I stuck out my tongue and slid to the ground, crawling over to take out the movie. "Are you telling me that I'm dating my twin? Isn't that illegal here?"

"Well in some African countries you can--"

"Save it," I interrupted with a laugh, returning back to my spot on the couch. "It's only noon and it's pouring buckets outside, so what should we do with the rest of our January 1st?"

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