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My ass was freezing.

I woke up in Calum's treehouse for the second time in a week, except this time I wasn't curled up against another warm body. That other warm body had blown me off last night.

My eyes were puffy and red and I could feel my throat swelling from all the crying I did. He forgot.

In the midst of my thoughts I finally remembered what day it was, and it took me an extra five seconds to realize that I was going to be in deep shit for being late to school. I scrambled to my feet, almost banging my head against the roof before brushing myself off. I could go to school like this, right?

The sun was barely out and I stumbled my way over to the ladder. I sprinted back home and gathered my books together in a frenzy. I quickly combed through my hair before catching sight of myself in the mirror.

I looked like an image straight out of some horror movie. My eyes looked bloodshot and exhausted, and mascara streaks were running down my face. The image made me want to cry all over again. I can't believe that this was for a boy that clearly couldn't make time for me in his schedule.

I splashed myself with water before scrubbing the mascara away. I skipped out of the bathroom and down the stairs before glancing at the time. I had five minutes to get to class.

Grabbing my bag and my phone, I headed out the door and looking around aimlessly for a ride. Ashton.

I quickly punched in Ashton's number and waited impatiently as the line rang, tapping my foot against the gravel.

"Hello?" a voice answered, sounding groggy and annoyed.

"Ashton," I hissed. "Come pick me up please. I have to be in homeroom in, like, four minutes."

He let out a loud sigh. "Fine. You're lucky we're friends."

I rolled my eyes. "Just get here quick," I snapped, hanging up the phone. I brought my hands up to my face, massaging my temples. When I got no sleep, I was known to become the biggest baddest bitch ever known.

Ashton's car rolled to a stop in front of my house as I jumped into the passenger's seat. "Drive," I barked, shutting the door. I didn't even bother strapping the seatbelt across my chest since school was only a few miles away.

He stomped on the pedal and we sped off down the street. "How'd you sleep?" Ashton asked with a smirk on his face, noticing my disheveled hair and eyes.

"Not in the mood, Irwin." The car came to a screeching halt in the school's deserted parking lot, and I muttered a quick thanks to Ashton before grabbing my shit and running to class.

I arrived in my seat just before the bell rang, much to my relief. I surveyed the room for Calum, and, of course, he wasn't there. The class was talking in quiet whispers and I turned to face Luke, who was mid-yawn.

"Luke," I said tiredly. He heard the strain in my voice and whipped his head to look at me.

"Jesus, Ry, you look like shit."

"Well, aren't you my knight in shining armor?" I groaned sarcastically, Luke chuckled before becoming serious.

He leaned in closer to me and examined my face. "Hey, have you been crying?" he asked quietly, bringing his hand up to my face and stroking my cheek. "A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be crying. Who's the asshole? I'll knock him out for you."

I laughed lightly, trying to ease the mood. "That won't be necessary, Mr. Superman. It's not a big deal, trust me. See, I'm all good now." I smiled widely, showing my teeth, and it was obvious that my smile was fake.

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