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"Thanks for everything," I said, leaning over to peck Calum on the cheek.

We were parked in front of my house again as I searched through my bag to make sure I had everything I left with. The car ride back was filled with games of I Spy and a recollection of childhood memories.

"No problem, I hope you had fun." Calum swung an arm around the back of my seat and smiled at me cheekily. "You know today's Christmas."

"I know?" I replied, even though it came out as more of a question.

"And you know what happens when you're under mistletoe with someone else?"

I froze and my gaze shifted up to his hand, which he had skillfully sneaked above us without me noticing. "You're really something, you know that?" I rolled my eyes.

He chuckled and puckered his lips playfully. "Come on, babe. Bring it to Papa."

I laughed as I leaned in again to kiss Calum.

The first time I kissed Calum was when I was thirteen. We had swore to be each others' first kiss and it wasn't anything too heated, just a quick touch of the lips. But the way we were kissing now would put our thirteen-year-old selves to shame.

My fingers had somehow become tangled in his hair and his fingers were tracing small circles on the nape of my neck, making chills run up and down my spine. Calum's tongue worked with mine as the kiss became more heated, and I found myself leaning back until the back of my head rested against the window. He was breathing heavily and I could hear small moans escaping from the back of his throat as he pulled away slowly.

We both sat in the car panting, our faces still inches away from each other. "You have no idea how long I've waited to do that," Calum murmured, his voice raspy and throaty.

I laughed breathlessly, still backed up against the window. I have no idea how long the kiss lasted but all I knew was that I never wanted it to end. "Same here," I whispered, giving him another quick kiss on the neck.

I cleared my throat as I attempted to sit up straight, brushing myself off. "I should, uh, get going. Thank you again, Calum. For the necklace and for taking me. I'm sorry I didn't get you anything and I feel really shitty for forgetting, but I promise I'll make it up to you," I rambled, hoping to escape the car quickly before I actually grabbed his face and started kissing him again.

He flashed me a wicked grin and nodded his head. "Sure thing, no problem. And you don't have to make it up to me, unless it has something to do with..." He trailed off, running his fingers up and down my thigh lightly.

Dammit, this boy knew exactly what he was doing to me.

Instead of melting on the spot I gulped and smiled faintly. "Yeah, well, bye, Calum. I'll see you around."

I opened the door and stepped out into the cold air, but not before he called my name. "Don't make any plans for New Years Eve. That's part two of the date." He shot me a wink and I nodded, turning to jog up the steps. I heard the car rumble to life behind me and speed down the street, leaving me alone with my own thoughts.

"Mom, I'm home!" I yelled, echoing through the house. I found my mom in the kitchen preparing some sort of Christmas lunch and I could smell the ham cooking as my stomach growled in hunger.

"How was your trip?" Mom asked, turning around and giving me a warm smile. "Oops, I almost forgot. Merry Christmas, honey." She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug, nearly squeezing me to death.

"It was good," I breathed as soon as she let go. "Sorry for leaving on such short notice too, I didn't know until the day before. That's Calum for you." I rolled my eyes and sighed dramatically as my mom chuckled.

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