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c a l u m

I found myself falling asleep in biology.

I was put under house arrest yesterday after being scolded the day before for not bringing home the tomato sauce. I told my mom that I was at Derek's and we stayed up too late and I forgot.

Mom was so involved in her work that she didn't even realize that Derek and I weren't friends anymore. She was too busy working with mental people who had nothing good going for them, and sometimes I wondered why she even wanted this job.

The bell rang soon, signaling the end of the period. I jogged out of the classroom and into the busy hallway, spotting Riley leaning against her locker talking to Dani while Sam stood behind them awkwardly.

"Hey Ry," I said cheerily, coming up behind her.

I could've sworn I heard Dani mumble, "Speaking of the devil."

Riley flashed me a smile that I've gotten so many times: it was fake. "Oh, hi Cal," she said in an attempt to sound happy, but I could hear the strain in her voice.

"What's wrong?" I asked in a hush tone so that Dani--or Sam--couldn't hear us.

"Nothing, I'm fine. I'll catch you later, alright?" Riley spoke lowly, sounding tired and simply stressed.

Although I was disappointed to see her leave, I nodded. "Yeah. Sure. See you."

She spun around on her heel and ushered Dani away, while Sam trailed behind his girlfriend. I didn't know what was bothering Riley, but I was almost positive that it had something to do with Luke.

Luke Hemmings was a little prick. He just didn't know when to back off, did he? And now they're apparently an item, which meant that I had no chance with her. Luke knew exactly what he was doing, and it was really starting to piss me off.

I needed to have a word with him.

I decided that as soon as school was over I would march right up to him and tell him to back off of my girl. My girl.

Eat that, typical white boy.


After suffering through five more hours of school, the final bell rang and I gathered my books together to head to the parking lot.

I spotted Luke heading towards a car that was not his, and some guy was in the driver's seat--I think his name was Ashley, or something.

"Hemmings!" I called across the lot, causing him to snap his head around and find me in the crowd. I sauntered over to him and soon we were face to face. He was only taller than me by a centimeter, so I guess I could still kick his ass if necessary.

"What do you want, Hood?" he asked coolly, giving me the evil eye.

I smirked at his attempt to look intimidating. "What do I want? I want you to stay away from Riley, that's what. She's mine, I had her first, remember?"

People had started to notice our little argument, but Luke just rolled his eyes. "Yeah sure, before you spread that damn rumor about her and ruined her life. Face it, I can treat her better than you ever could, and I wouldn't tell the world something false about her out of jealousy."

At this point I was practically shaking of anger. "You know that was a mistake. A damn mistake that I can't take back no matter how much I wish I could. I don't know if you know this, but I care about her a fucking lot, so if you'd do the incredible honor of backing out, I'd appreciate that." My words were dripping with venom as I glared at him fiercely.

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