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Ashton told me she wasn't coming. I specifically told him I didn't want her there because seeing her again wouldn't help me get over her one bit.

Nevertheless, I bought her a present anyway. It was one last futile attempt to get her to love me back, even though I knew she would never want me. She had Calum, the best soccer player at our school and little lady charmer. As much of an ass as he was, he was still good with girls, one thing I had never been good at.

When Riley and I were younger, we would go to this lake in the adjacent town, even though it was deathly polluted because of all the city air. We would sit on th edge of the dock and dangle our feet over the water, not daring to touch it. This was where most of our in depth conversations took place and how I truly got to know her more.

Thinking of how broken we were now reminded me of all the fresh summer nights spent at the dock and how we had once been so close. Growing up is like a trap and we've all been caught up in it. I constantly wish that Riley and I could go back to the way it was when we were younger, but after all this I could never restore our friendship.

"Then why isn't Calum here?" I asked snarkily. I knew I was being hostile, but I couldn't help myself. She made a stupid choice that was just carving the road to ruins.

Riley's eyes widened and a look of hurt crossed her face. "Screw you," she said calmly, even though her expression made it seem like she was about to punch me in the balls.

I sent her a cheeky smirk. "How hard?"

This time she really did punch me in the balls and I let out a whimper before doubling over in pain. Damn, she had a strong arm. I felt like I would no longer be able to have productive sex because my balls were probably dented.

"I spent last night with Calum, in case you were wondering," Riley said smoothly, and I could picture her raising an eyebrow in defiance. The pain was starting to subside, but I every move I made caused an aching sensation.

"And what, uh, what did you do?" I croaked out, and my voice cracked midway through the sentence.

She paused as Ashton and Michael left the room to go to the kitchen, too engrossed in their presents to notice our bickering and my shot to the balls. "Well he gave me a necklace. And we stayed up late watching a movie. And he made me breakfast."

Riley continued to list the fabulous things the great Calum Hood did for her, and I pretended to not be hurt. I had been taught to keep my emotions inside and not let them show, but I couldn't help but grimace once or twice at the things she mentioned.

"Okay, but you're still not understanding the point. You're not giving me a fair chance. If I was in his position, trust me--"

"You'd do much better. Save it. Calum has proven that he's changed and I want to give him a chance."


"No buts. I'm trusting him until he gives me a reason not to."

I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair. "If that ring meant nothing to you then I'll have it back," I muttered, just loud enough that she could hear me.

She gaped at me before looking back down at the ring. "It means a lot to me though, Luke. You don't understand that I still love you, but as a brother."

"I can't settle for 'just a brother'. I can't do that. I'm trying to get over you but you're making it damn near impossible." I felt a sob growing in the back of my throat and quickly pushed it back down. I shouldn't cry over this. I should be getting over her.

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