Chapter Twenty: Spontaneous Love

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Okay so sorry for the long wait and for this extra long chapter. I hope you enjoy!!

The first day of filming for season five had come and gone, leaving everyone both extremely busy as well as a little sad. They all knew the end of the franchise was coming but none of them had expected it to come so soon. Vera and Nestor had long since decided to take their relationship to the next level by moving into the same trailer.
"Do you want some juice?" Nestor asks, pouring himself a glass a juice. She looks up from the book she is reading, her other hand occupied by a half eaten bagel.
"Oh that's alright. Thank you." she says with a soft smile. He nods and moves to sit down beside her, eating his own bagel. Vera sets down her book and bagel and looks at him, a thoughtful gaze upon her face. He stops mid chew, noticing the look.
"What?" Nestor asks.
"I think Olivia and Max are going to get together." she says, resting her chin in the palm of her hand.
"Why do you say that?" Nestor asks, inspecting the butter on his bagel.
"Well Freddie was talking to me about it in between takes the other day. And they've gotten considerably closer since their characters got together. Funny how that works, huh." Vera says with a knowing smile. Nestor smiles back, taking her hand in his own.
"Do you think we would've gotten together if Norma and Alex didn't?" she asks, her thumb drawing circles on his hand.
"Yes." he says with certainty. She hums in approval, looking at the cover of her book.
"When should we become public?" Nestor asks before taking a bite of his bagel.
"I think we should wait. Until filming is over. Maybe we can slip it in in one of our interviews or comic cons." she suggests.
"That long?" he asks.
"You don't think so?" she asks. He shrugs, his eyes taking in the sight of their joined hands.
"I just...I want to be with you freely. I want people to know." he admits to her. She takes her hand away from her chin and places it on his cheek, making him look back into her eyes.
"I know. I do too. I just don't want to be stalked while we are trying to work. You know? I want to keep it simple while we can." she tells him gently. He nods and places a kiss on the inside of her wrist.
"I gotta go." she tells him, standing up. He nods, standing up with her. She grabs her coat and he helps her slide it on before turning her around.
"Have a good day, V." he tells her, placing a kiss on her forehead.
"You too. I'll see you." she says, placing a quick kiss on his lips before walking out.
The cold air hits her skin, making it burn. She pulls her jacket tighter around her body and jogs to catch up with Freddie who is walking toward the studio.
"Hey." she breathes out when she reaches him.
"Hey." he replies, automatically moving closer to her for the body heat.
"I have gossip." Freddie says with a smile as Vera takes his arm.
"That's new. You hate gossip." Vera notes.
"But this is important." he whispers as they arrive on set.
"I'll...i'll tell you later." he says as they part ways to their dressing rooms. Vera's mind reels with curiosity at what could be so important to make Freddie gossip.
"Hello." Olivia says with a wide smile as she walks into the dressing room. Vera looks up and smiles as she pulls her shirt off over her head.
"You're cheery. It's early. How?" Vera asks, pulling her pants down her legs as Olivia sits in the makeup chair.
"Just in a good mood." Olivia says. Vera stops what she is doing and looks up at Olivia, a suspicious look on her face. Olivia seems to notice her gaze and looks at Vera who is holding her discarded pants in her hands.
"What?" Olivia asks.
"You got laid." Vera says, testing the waters. Judging by Olivia's bright red cheeks, she knew she was right.
"What? No, I-"
"You did!" Vera says with a smile, laying her pants over her chair.
"You got laid!" Vera says a little too loudly.
"Would you-" Olivia says, jumping up from her chair and crossing the room to put a hand over Vera's mouth.
"Quiet! I don't want everyone to know." Olivia whispers. Vera grabs Olivia's wrist, pulling her hand away from Vera's mouth.
"Who was it? Is it serious? Or was it time thing?" Vera asks, her voice low.
" was.." Olivia begins. Before she can say more, the door swings open and Freddie walks in, closing the door behind him. He looks at the girls and stops, noticing Vera's lack of clothing.
"Did I...interrupt?" Freddie asks. Vera releases Olivia's wrist and steps away.
"Like you would be so lucky." Olivia replies with a smirk as she goes back to her makeup chair.
"What were you two chatting about?" Freddie asks, taking Vera's chair and sitting in it. Vera grabs her clothes for Norma and begins to dress herself.
"Yes, Liv. What were we talking about?" Vera asks, smirking up at her. Olivia rolls her eyes and grabs the hair brush, running it through her hair.
"We were talking about the fact that...I am seeing Max." she says slowly, unable to hide the smile on her face.
"Max? Wow. I am shocked." Freddie says, a little too over the top.
"I know you two both were suspecting." Olivia says to Freddie with a mock glare. He cracks a smile and shrugs innocently.
"So are you two...together?" Vera asks, walking over to lean against the counter.
"'s early. And I like where we are right now." Olivia says, handing Vera the brush.
"And where are you right now?" Freddie asks.
"We are...having fun." Olivia replies with a knowing smile. Vera laughs and sets the brush down on the counter.
"I just love the beginning parts of relationships. You know? When you just can't keep your hands off of each other." Olivia says to Vera.
"Yeah. It's the best, isn't it?" Vera says, thinking about when her and Nestor first started fooling around.
"I mean Max and I couldn't even make it to the trailer the other night." Olivia says with a laugh.
"Yeah that's what I was going to tell you earlier, V. I saw them doing it in a car." Freddie tells Vera.
"Freddie!" Olivia says, smacking his chest.
Vera smiles a fake smile, realizing she and Nestor had never been that adventurous. They had never slept together anywhere besides the bed.
"So how long did that last for you and Nestor?" Olivia asks, turning to the mirror to apply her lip gloss.
"What? It's still going on." Vera tells her. Olivia gives her a look before looking back at her reflection.
"Come on. Seriously, when did it end?" Olivia asks seriously.
"I am serious." Vera tells her.
"I mean we are all over each other all the time." Vera says, though the words sound forced, even to her. Olivia looks at her and nods, forcing a smile.
"Right. Of course. You know where you are better than I do. I was just curious." Olivia says, feeling embarrassed. Vera feels the need to defend her relationship with Nestor still so she continues.
"Yeah. You should just get your facts together before you go running around telling everyone that you're the hot couple now." Vera says with a forced laugh.
"You awoke the beast." Freddie says to Olivia.
"I was wrong. Obviously I just misspoke. It's okay." Olivia says, trying to get things back under control.
"Yeah. Yeah it is okay. As long as you know that Nestor and I...we are still hot and fiery." Vera tells them both. There is a knock on the door and it opens before anyone can open it. Nestor walks in, his cheeks and nose red from the cold.
"Hey, V, you forgot your book. I remember in bed last night you were talking about wanting to read it between takes." Nestor says, holding the book out to her.
"You are so sweet." Vera says, walking to him. She pushes the book out of his hands to the floor and crashes her lips against his, knocking him off balance and forcing him to stumble back until his back hits the wall. He manages to pull away, breathing heavily. He swallows a few times, trying to think of what to say.
"Mmmkay." was all he could manage in a weak voice.
"I'll see you after work." she says, placing another wet kiss on his lips before walking out of the dressing room. Nestor looks to Freddie and Olivia with confusion.
"Nes, nobody asked you to pitch a tent. You might wanna take care of it." Freddie says with a smirk.
Nestor blushes and quickly excuses himself back to his trailer to take care of the problem that quickly arose.

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