Chapter Seven: Boy Talk

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This isn't exactly how I was wanting my story to go but I hope you guys still enjoy reading. I have a juicy chapter coming to you next! XOXO

The girls were everywhere. So many women walking around in their slutty outfits. Some wearing nothing more than a bra and a thong. Some girls had wings on their backs, some had feathers covering their butts.
"It looks like a Victoria Secret fashion show in here." Nestor says, walking up to Vera. She nods, glancing around at the women and suddenly feeling inferior. These girls could very well be super models and they were definitely putting on quite a show for the other actors and crew members.
"As if you mind." she says with a chuckle. He glances down at her, smiling softly.
"No. I don't mind." he says, catching her off guard.
"Because you're here too." he says. She smiles and looks away.
"You nervous?" he asks.
"What? About kissing a girl?" she asks with a smirk.
"Yeah." he says. She smiles up at him but her smile slowly disappears.
"Yeah." she says softly.
"You'll do great." he says, admiring her in her white tank top. She hardly ever wore tank tops but he enjoyed it when she did.
Vera looks at him for help but he couldn't help her. He had no control.
"Good luck." he whispers. She walks away to her spot in the chair. All she had to do was kiss one girl. That's it. She didn't even have any lines. They finished those earlier, before lunch. She had been dreading this scene for a while. And now it was here.
Nestor watched from behind the cameras as Vera slowly transforms into her character. Her facial expression goes from worry to confidence. It was quite interesting watching the process.
Vera grabs the young girl in the black outfit and pulls her onto her lap. Her hands grab the girl's face and she places a soft kiss on her lips. Nestor looked away out of courtesy for Vera. But where his eyes went to was one of the stripper actresses. She was wearing a white bra and matching panties with feathers covering her backside. She smiled at him and waved. He smiled back and looked down at the ground.
"Cut! That was good. Let's move on."
Vera quickly stands up, moving off of the set.
"What did you think?" she asks Nestor.
"It was good." he says.
"Enjoyable?" she asks with a smirk.
"Okay, stop trying to trap me." he says with a chuckle. Vera laughs but her laughters silence when she sees someone. Nestor notices this and stares at her with confusion.
"What?" he asks.
"Looks like someone wants to talk to you." she says, pointing behind him. He turns around and sees the girl in the white smiling at him. She walks to them with a smile.
"Hi." she says, her voice sounding too feminine.
"Uh...hey." he says, turning to her fully, blocking Vera out.
"I saw you looking at me and I thought you might be interested to know what hotel room I am in." she says. Before he can say anything, she pulls the pen out of Alex's front pocket on his sheriff costume. She grabs his arm and pushes his sleeve up, writing down a phone number and a hotel room number.
"Stop by." she says before walking away. Nestor turns back to Vera who is smirking to hide her jealousy. He pulls his sleeve back down with embarrassment.
"So you weren't watching the scene." she says with a nod.
"I was. I just-"
"It's fine. She" Vera says, cringing at her own words. Nestor laughs and shakes his head.
"I should wipe this away before my wife sees." he says. She nods, biting her lip.
"I better go." she says. He nods and turns back to the cameras, watching them direct.

Her mind seemed to always linger on their first kiss. The way his lips moved against her own with ease, almost as if it was a habit. Like she had kissed Nestor a thousand times and he would kiss her a thousand more.
"Hey, babe." Chris, Vera's boyfriend, says, walking into her trailer. She jumps at the sound of his voice, not realizing she had been staring at the tv screen which wasn't even turned on. She had been so focused on the movie playing out in her head.
"You...planning on watching something?" he asks, sitting next to her and setting his feet on the table in front of them.
"Uh, yes. I was just thinking of what I am in the mood for." she says.
"Well it helps if you turn the tv on." he says, grabbing the remote from her hands.
"Right." she says with a small smile. He laughs, shaking his head.
"What would women do without men around?" he asks rhetorically as he flips through tv channels. Vera resists the urge to reply and chooses instead to walk into the kitchen.
"Babe, while you're in there, could you whip up something to eat?" Chris asks.
"A sandwich?" Vera asks sarcastically.
"That'd be great, kitten." he says, still staring intently at the screen. Vera rolls her eyes at the demeaning term of endearment.
Her phone vibrates in her pocket and she pulls it out to see a message from Nestor. She glances up at Chris before opening it. She smiles as she reads the kind words.
Had such fun working with you today. You smelled nice which was a plus. Do all that for me?
With love,
She grins like a schoolgirl as she texts back.
I did in fact go through some trouble to smell good for you. Did you recognize the smell? I borrowed your perfume. I hope you don't mind. I saw it while I was looking for my mascara which you stole again.
All my love,
She hits send and slides her phone back into her pocket, busying herself by making a sandwich for Chris while he watches tv. Once she finishes, she hands it to him, wishing he would eat and leave.
Her phone vibrates again, making butterflies enter her stomach.
I knew I recognized the smell. And the mascara was not yours. I bought my own.
Jokes aside, I would like to talk to you.
Her eyebrows scrunch together with confusion. What would he want to talk about? Was he mad at her for something? He didn't seem mad.
Pizza at my trailer tonight? 7?
If she was planning a dinner with Nestor, she had to find a way to make Chris leave. She glances over at him, watching him eat his sandwich and watch tv, his facial expressions not changing from intense concentration.
Sounds good. Until then amoureux.
She checked her watch. 6:48.
"Hey, I think I am going to turn in early tonight." Vera says, standing up. Chris sets his empty plate aside, standing up.
"I'll go with you." he says with a smile.
"Oh that's alright. I have to be up early and-"
"I drove all this way. You're too tired to get it on?" he asks with surprise.
"I just-"
"Why don't we just have sex and then i'll leave you to sleep. Yeah?" he asks. She sighs, wanting him to leave.
"Okay." she says. If she makes it fast, then she will have time to shower before Nestor arrives. Chris begins to kiss her, already unzipping his pants and trying to yank her pants down. Nestor's words run through her head.
Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul.
She quickly pulls away, pulling her pants back up.
"What the hell?" Chris asks with aggravation.
"I don't want to have sex."
"You can't just turn a man off like that. Just let me finish." he says, trying to pull her close again.
"No, Chris. I don't want to." she says, pushing him away.
"Come on, don't be a bitch." he says angrily.
"I want you to leave please." she says.
"Excuse me?" he asks.
"Leave. Go. Get out." she says, pushing him to the door.
"You know what? Fuck you." he shouts, walking out of the trailer. She can feel the tears form in her eyes as she thinks of his rough hands tearing at her clothes. She was nothing but a piece of ass to him. She runs to her door, opening it and stepping out.
"Fuck me? Well fuck you!" she shouts after him. He flips her off without looking back. She sighs and turns around to find Nestor standing there with a shocked look on his face.
"Fuck." he says, making her laugh despite her pain.
"What happened?" he asks, following her inside and closing the door behind them.
"I...I don't want to talk about it." she says.
"Okay. Do you want a hug? Boy talk? Pillow fights?" he asks. She giggles at their inside joke.
"I mean it. Whatever you want." he says with a smile.
"Just order the pizza, ding-a-ling." she says. He chuckles and dials the number in his phone, as requested.
"Actually, no. No I am not even hungry anymore." she says angrily. He hangs up the phone, ignoring the grumbling in his empty stomach.
"Do you want to get really drunk and stay the night?" she asks, already pouring the alcohol.
"Yes please." he says with a nod.
She hands him one before drinking her entire glass in one gulp, wincing at the burn.
"Thirsty?" Nestor asks with an eyebrow raised.
"No. Filled with emotion." she says, filling her glass.
"Ahh." he breathes out, watching her drink her next glass a little slower.
"Boys suck." she says, glaring at him.
"I'll drink to that." he says, clinking his glass against hers.
"How are you even real?" she asks.
"I'm like genuinely curious. Because you're funny and kind and handsome. Annoying as hell sometimes but that can be looked past." she says jokingly.
"Boyfriend trouble?" Nestor asks.
"What the hell is with the weird nicknames? Kitten? Pumpkin? I mean could he find something more demeaning to call me?" she asks.
Nestor opens his mouth to reply but Vera beats him to it.
"And the stuff with the kitchen-"
"What?" Nestor asks.
"First off he says, what would women do without men? And then he asks me to make him a sandwich while he sat watching tv. And he expects to get some after that?" she asks, finishing off her second glass.
"I'm not sure what you want me to say, V. I mean I have been telling you time and time again that this guy is an ass. And you're surprised when he screws you over?" Nestor asks.
"You're supposed to agree with me and sympathize. Not tell me how you were right all along." she says, getting upset.
"Well I have been. You deserve more and-"
"Stop." she says, glaring at him.
"Guy after guy. You attract assholes and you let them use you. And then you come crying to me when they do exactly what I told you they were going to do-"
"I said stop!" she shouts.
"You stop! Stop letting yourself be used. If you don't respect yourself then who the hell will?" he shouts back, standing up.
"You don't get to do that." she says, standing up. She tries to keep the tears from falling from her eyes.
"Act like you're all high and mighty. Give me tips on relationships. Your marriage is a sham." she says.
"Keep my marriage out of this-"
"You kissed me. You wanted to start something with me."
"I wanted to see if we could work. I didn't want to throw my marriage away on what might have just been a moment. Good thing I didn't divorce Shannon, I guess." he says.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"Well one little mishap with me and you would be on to the next man. Hell, I didn't even do anything and you had already moved on."
"I hate you." she says angrily.
"I'm not surprised. I'm not saying what you want me to."
"You son of a bitch. I hate you so much."
"I hate you too. It doesn't make any difference! We are stuck with each other! No matter how badly we want to be apart, we always fucking find each other. You're stuck with me and I am stuck with you!" Nestor shouts.
Vera glares at him, letting the words sink in. And then she remembers that she had started this fight. She was angry at him for telling her how he felt. She was being ridiculous. Her gaze softened and she drank the rest of her drink.
"Life is so fucked up." she mumbles, sitting back down on the couch. He sits next to her and continues to drink his drink.
"We're all doomed in the end, right?" he asks, quoting her character. She smirks and rolls her eyes. He looks at her with a smile, memorizing her face.
"What?" she asks with a smile.
"You have this thing about you." he says.
"Thing?" she asks with her eyebrows raised.
"I've noticed it in the time I have known you. You speak in such a way that makes others love to listen to you. And you listen in such a way that makes others love to speak to you. It's...addictive." he says. She giggles and turns away to hide her blush.
"It's annoying how charming you can be." she says, turning back to him.
"I want to be mad at you. Just when I manage to harden myself, you turn around and you're so charming. And I give in. I don't know why." she says.
"Because we are best friends." he says with a smile.
"Best friends who kissed." she says, her words beginning to blend together.
"Best friends who kissed." he says with a nod.

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