Chapter Sixteen: Key Party

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To my dearest friend, BatesLuva Thank you for all of the very juicy Vestor information you gave me. As many updates as possible coming your way today. Also Twoshy1013 Thank you for always leaving comments on each chapter. I look forward to them!! XOXO

Her heart fluttered with every kiss that was placed on her sensitive body. His hands ran down the sides of her body, setting fire to her skin. She gasps as his teeth graze her earlobe and his hot breath hit her skin.
"You're so beautiful." he whispers, placing a kiss on her jaw. Her hands bury themselves into his dark, thick hair as her eyes slip shut with pleasure.
Nestor positions himself in between Vera's legs, his hands on her hips. Without hesitation, he pushes himself in, making her gasp and arch her back. Her nails dig into his skin and she bites his shoulder, trying to muffle her moans of pure ecstasy.
He moans into her ear, his hands holding her shoulders as he pushes into her faster. Her eyes squeeze shut as her mind goes blank while she rides out her orgasm.
Once she is finished, he lays on top of her, breathing heavily. Her lungs burn at the difficulty of breathing. Her blue eyes find the green eyes that belong to Chris as he lays on top of her.
"See? Bet you can't do that by yourself." he says, getting off of her to slide his clothes on. Vera pulls the sheets up around her, immediately feeling guilty. She was having sex with her boyfriend but she was thinking of her best friend the entire time. It was unfair to both of them.
"You still coming to the key party tonight?" he asks, standing up and grabbing his coat.
"Where is it?" she asks.
"My house."
"Who will be there?" she asks.
"Me, you, couple of my friends, couple of your friends. It was Bonnie's idea." he says.
"Bonnie? Like Nestor's Bonnie?" she asks with surprise.
"Yeah. So you'll be there?" he asks.
"I'll try. If filming doesn't go too late." she says. He nods and grabs his keys from the dresser.
"Later." he says, walking away. She slips out of bed and dressed herself before walking to set.
"Hey." Nestor says, walking up to her.
"Hey." she says happily.
"Are you going to the party tonight?" Vera asks.
"I have to. Bonnie is making me." Nestor says.
"It's strange that your girlfriend planned a party with my boyfriend." she says. He nods.
"And what's a key party?" he asks.
"I don't know. I think it's just like, you put your keys in a bowl so that no one drives home drunk. And when you're sober enough, you take your key and go." Vera says.
"Well do you want to carpool?" he asks.
"Yeah, okay." she says with a smile.
The day passed quickly and before they knew it, it was eight o'clock. Nestor finds Vera waiting for him outside of the studio.
"You think they'll be mad we are late?" she asks as they get into his car.
"Yes. If they even notice we are there." he says as he drives to Chris' house.
"It's a left here." she says, directing him. He pulls onto the street and stares with surprise at the many cars that line the street.
"I don't want to go in." Vera says, seeing all the people inside and outside of the house.
"We are doing it for them." he says, parking the car. He steps out and opens her door for her.
"Memorize these keys. I want my car back at the end of the night." Nestor says, showing her his keys.
"A mood ring on your key chain?" she asks with an eyebrow raised. He shrugs with a smirk as the begin walking to the house.
"You know they don't work unless you wear them." she says, playing with it.
"Put it on." he suggests. She slides it onto her finger, turning it a black, blue color.
"What does that mean?" she asks, slipping it off.
"You're nervous. And in love." he says as they reach the door. She blushes, knowing the reasoning behind those colors is him.
"You made it!" Bonnie says with excitement, opening the door. She holds out the bowl that is already filled with keys.
"Keys, please." she says with a wide smile.
Nestor places his keys inside and they walk in together.
"Thanks for doing this, babe." Chris says, kissing Vera.
"Yeah. It'll be fun." she says with a smile. She glances over at Nestor who smiles at her.
"Breathe." he mouths to her. She smiles and nods, taking a deep breath.
"Can I get you two a drink?" Bonnie shouts over the music.
"Just water, please." Vera shouts back.
"And you, Nessie?" she asks, making Vera cringe at the nickname.
"Water for him too." Vera answers.
"We have filming early tomorrow morning." she says, answering their unanswered question.
Bonnie nods and walks away to get their drinks. Vera turns to Nestor with an eyebrow raised. He chuckles and shakes his head.
"Nessie?" she asks.
"Come on. Don't-"
"She nicknamed you after the Lock Ness Monster." she whispers with a laugh.
"Shh. She's coming back." he whispers, quieting her. Bonnie walks back and hands Vera her water and hands Nestor a scotch.
"You can drink what you want, babe. She isn't your mother." Bonnie says, kissing him on the lips.
"Uh, thanks." he says, taking the drink. She walks away and Nestor sets the drink on the counter beside him.
"I really did just want a water." he says to Vera. She smiles and hands him her water. He takes a sip before handing it back to her, allowing her to take a drink.
"I really just want to go back to my trailer and bury myself under three blankets." she says, watching Bonnie dance with some random man.
"Go into hibernation?" he asks with a smile, taking another sip of her water.
"Yes. Go into hibernation and stay asleep until my boyfriend decides to grow up." she mumbles, her attention moving to Chris who is drinking beer from one of her flower vases.
"Well don't do that. I would never see you again." Nestor says, earning a punch in the arm from Vera.
"Come on." Nestor says with a laugh. "That was funny."
"Nes? Come dance!" Bonnie says, pulling him onto the dance floor. He sends Vera a pleading look which she replies with a simple shrug. About an hour later, while Nestor is chatting with Chris and a few other guys, Bonnie appears in front of Vera.
"Vera! Pick a key." Bonnie says, holding the bowl out to her. Vera looks into the bowl and she quickly finds Nestor's mood ring. She pulls it out and smiles at Bonnie who moves to the next woman. Nestor looks over at Vera who is holding up his keys to him. He smiles and nods.
"Looks like Vera's got your keys?" Chris asks Nestor.
"Yeah." Nestor says.
"Have fun with her. She's kinky. Bite her earlobe, it drives her nuts. Sends her right over the edge." Chris says with a laugh.
"What?" Nestor asks.
"You could even try tying her up. She might like that." he continues.
"I'm sorry...what?" Nestor asks again.
"You and Vera. Tonight." he says. Nestor stares at him with surprise.
"You know what a key party is, right?" he asks.
"I thought I did." Nestor says.
"Whoever picks your key is who you're taking home and having sex with." Chris says as Bonnie joins their group.
"Oh you got Vera? Maybe if I get Chris we can have some fun together." Bonnie says, wagging her eyebrows at Chris.
"That sounds great, Bonnie." Chris says. Nestor turns around and quickly walks to Vera, grabbing her arm.
"We have to go." Nestor says, pulling her to the door.
"Why?" she asks with surprise.
"V, come here. I want to ask you something." Chris says, calling out to her.
"No, V. We gotta go." Nestor whispers. Vera looks at him with confusion before going to Chris.
"Hey, you and Nes wait for me and Bonnie upstairs, okay?" he asks.
"Uh...yeah. Sure." she says, walking away. Nestor follows her upstairs.
"Vera you don't understand." Nestor whispers as they walk into the master bedroom.
"What is the matter, Nestor?" Vera asks. He opens his mouth to reply but Chris and Bonnie enter, closing the door behind them.
"Okay. Let's do this." Bonnie says.
"I'm so happy you said yes, babe." Chris says.
"I'm really excited to get to know you like that, Vera." Bonnie says, pulling her shirt up over her head as Chris begins taking off his pants.
"Woah, woah. What the-" Vera says, stepping back, running right into Nestor.
"They're swingers. It's a partner swap party." he whispers into her ear.
"Oh my...ew." Vera says, catching their attention.
"Oh my God! Ew!" she says again. She grabs Nestor's hand and runs out of the room with him. They run downstairs and out the door. Nestor laughs the whole way and Vera turns to him once they are by his car.
"You asshole! That isn't funny!" she says, hitting his chest. He opens her door for her, letting her slide in.
"They're swingers." he says while laughing as he gets in on his side. He starts the car and begins driving. She giggles but hits him again.
"They were going to have a foursome." he says. She gasps with shock and covers her mouth with her hands.
"Oh my God." she says with realization.
"Bonnie wanted me." she says with shock, looking over at him.
"What?" he asks.
"Didn't you hear her? While she was taking off her shirt. She said 'I am excited to get to know you this way'. She wanted to have sex with me. Your girlfriend is a whore." she says.
"That would've been hot." Nestor says jokingly. Vera pushes him lightly and rolls her eyes.
"Chris was giving me tips on how to have sex with you." he says, making her laugh even harder.
"It's probably not the best idea to take tips from him though, right?" he asks, nudging her shoulder with his elbow.
"Right. What tips did he give you?" she asks curiously.
"Really?" he asks with an eyebrow raised.
"Yeah. I'm curious." she says, as they pull onto set.
"Well he said to nibble your ear." Nestor says, putting the car in park.
"Nibble my ear? Huh. I guess he does do that a lot." she says.
"And then...he told me to try tying you up." Nestor says, shutting the car off.
"Tying me up?" she asks with surprise.
"Like to the bed? Isn't rape?" she asks.
"Role play? I don't know. He seemed to be very adamant that you would enjoy it." he says.
"Maybe he was sabotaging you. Trying to make things between us bad in bed." she says with a laugh.
"Well judging by our scenes together, I don't think things being bad in bed is possible." Nestor says with a laugh as they step out of the car and begin walking to their trailers.
"Yeah that's probably true." she says with a laugh. She glances at him, her eyes glancing down at his lips.
"Do you think they're having sex right now?" he asks.
"I think they were having sex. But there's no way Chris lasted this long. He was probably finished before we even left the house." she says.
"That fast?" he asks with surprise.
"Faster than he likes to admit." she says with a nod.
"Want to come in?" she asks.
"Sure." he says.
"I heard what you said to him. About me being a hopeless romantic." she says as she unlocks her door and let's him in.
"Oh." he says. She turns to him, closing the door and locking it. She walks into the kitchen and stops, turning around leaning against the counter.
"I'm not the silly hopeless romantic that everyone seems to think I am. I don't want the heavens or the shooting stars. I don't want gemstones or gold. I have those things already. I want...a steady hand. I want a kind soul. I want to fall asleep and wake, knowing my heart is safe. I want to love and to be loved-"
She is cut off when he presses his lips against hers before pulling away, looking into her eyes hesitantly.
"You just kissed me." she says with surprise.
"I know. I couldn't help it." he says with a small smile.
"Was it good?" he asks.
"Well it felt a bit rushed." she says with a smile. He laughs and nods, staring at the ground.
"Hey." she says, catching his attention. She holds up his keys with an eyebrow raised.
"Now that we know the rules of a key party...I have your keys." she says, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. He smiles and takes his keys from her hand. He slips the mood ring onto his finger and they look down at the blue black color.
"Nervous and in love." she says.
"Yeah. Nervous and in love." he says, slipping it off and setting his keys on the counter. He grabs her hand and leads her to the bedroom.
"How bout I nibble on your ear a bit? Maybe tie you up? What would you say?" he asks with a smirk as she closes the door behind them.
"I'd say it's about damn time." she says, pushing him onto the bed.

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