Chapter Nineteen: Make It Up

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Vera had immediately ran to Freddie's trailer, looking for his advice. When she walked in, she found him in his bed, asleep. Instead of waking him up by shaking him, she slid into his bed, hugging him from behind. His eyes flutter open and look around curiously before turning to look at Vera.
"What're you-"
"Freddie I don't know what to think right now." she whispers. He maneuvers himself to where he is holding her in his arms.
"Well what happened?" he asks quietly.
"I...I had a date with Nestor."
"Yeah Olivia told me about it." he says.
"Well he was late. By an hour. And when he did show up he was drunk." she says. He gives her a surprised look.
"That's very unusual for Nestor." he says.
"I know. He said he was nervous because he hadn't been on a date since his wife. I told him that he needs a shower, meaning he should go home. But he gets into my shower fully clothed." she says.
"Fully clothed?" he asks with astonishment.
"Fully clothed. And he started talking about all of this stuff, saying how someone had told me that humans can't be made into homes but that he would be my home. That he would be my roof and my walls and would protect me from storms."
"Well that's poetic. What did you say?" he asks.
"I didn't say anything. I helped him finish his shower-"
"Ew." Freddie says.
"No. Not in that way. Nothing dirty happened. I helped him shower. And then I put him in my bed. He kept apologizing and I told him we would talk tomorrow when he is sober. And then I left." she tells him, feeling guilty for leaving him in his state.
"Maybe I should go back and check on him. I shouldn't have left. He could throw up in his sleep and choke on it." she says, quickly sitting up.
"We will go check on him but then we need to come right back. He will need time to himself when he wakes up in the morning." Freddie says, getting out of bed with her. They walk to her trailer and sneak inside, quietly making their way to her room.
They walk inside to find Nestor sound asleep, the sheets only halfway on his body. His arm hangs off the side of the bed, which Vera grabs and moves back onto the bed before sitting down beside him.
"He looks so peaceful." she whispers, pushing his hair from his forehead.
"You should turn his head to the side so he doesn't choke." Freddie whispers from the doorway. She grabs his face, gently moving it to the side.
"Goodnight, Nes." she whispers, placing a kiss on his cheek. Freddie smiles softly, watching her take care of him. She was very taken with him, Freddie could tell. He had never seen her like this with another man. She was different around him. Nestor had put her through so much shit and yet she was still so in love with him.
"Okay. We can go now." she whispers, walking back to Freddie. She closes the door quietly and they walk back to Freddie's trailer.
"You want to stay the night?" Freddie asks, slipping into his bed.
"Yes. Thank you, Freddie." she says, sliding in beside Freddie. They quickly fall asleep in each other's embrace.
When they wake the next morning, it is to the sound of Vera's phone ringing. She picked it up groggily and holds it to her ear.
"Hello?" she asks. The ringing continues and she pulls the phone away from her ear, realizing she never hit answer. After finally clicking answer, she holds it to her ear again.
"Hello?" she answers again.
"V, I'm so sorry and I just-"
"Nes it's fine." Vera says, just wanting to get back to sleep.
"Will you please come back to your trailer? I want to talk." he says sadly. She sits up, rubbing the sleep away from her burning eyes.
"I'll be there soon." she whispers after a moment. He smiles and allows her to hang up. When she reaches her trailer, he had already made breakfast for them and set it out in the table along with a hot cup of coffee.
"Hm. A meal. Almost like a date. Oh but wait, you're not drunk so this can't be a date." she says sarcastically.
"Vera I am so sorry. I know I ruined it. I had this whole date planned out perfectly. I would pick you up, on time I might add, and I was going to take you to dinner." he tells her. She rolls her eyes, not wanting to hear him.
"How special. Bummer we didn't make it to dinner." she says sarcastically.
"I'm not finished." he tells her.
"After dinner, I was going to take you to the coffee shop down by the pier." he says.
"Why?" she asks.
"Because that's where I first heard your laugh. When I bought you coffee one of the first mornings of filming. I had told you an awful joke and you laughed."
"The one about the baker and the doctor." she says with a small smile.
"Yeah. And after we had our coffee, I was going to take you to the small boutique next door. You had talked earlier about how you loved looking at their little trinkets and imagining where they had come from. Thinking of their life before they landed in that store. And after that, I was going to take you back here. And I was going to kiss you on the cheek, and tell you how beautiful you look." he says softly. Her cheeks heat up as she realizes how much he had planned this out.
"You would've invited me inside and I would've declined. I don't stay the night after a first date." he says with a wink. She giggles before going back to glaring at him.
"You're not off the hook. What you did was awful." she tells him gently.
"I know. All i'm asking for is...another chance." he says, looking at her with his dark, loving eyes.
"I would like you to give me another chance, Vera."
She bites her lip and looks away, her mind and her heart disagreeing with each other.
"You've got some big problems, Nestor." she tells him.
"Yeah. Yeah I do." he says honestly, nodding his head. She turns back to him, trying to read his mind but failing.
"Will you go out with me anyway?" he asks, his heart racing at the fact that he might have ruined their relationship once again. She glances over at him, her blue eyes searching his dark ones. She is silent for a considerable amount of time before she finally answers him.
"Yes." she says simply before looking away again. Nestor's lips stretch into a radiant smile as he continues to stare at her.
He reaches over and grabs her waist, pulling her on top of him, making her squeal with surprise. He kisses down her neck and her hands tangle themselves in his dark locks.
"If this is you trying to make it up to me, you'll have to do better than that, Mr. Carbonell." she says in a teasing tone. He chuckles against her skin and stands up with her, carrying her into the bedroom.
"It'll be my pleasure. And yours."

So sorry for the delay!! I'm hitting writers block with this fic. Anyways, serious question...Should I rewrite my Vestor fic "Trapped" about them being trapped in the Bates world?
If you think I should, comment. If you don't think so...comment? Idk, just let me know!

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