I sit up against the wall and hold Jimin's hand. The gun wounds didn't hurt that much. I was desensitized to pain after all the torture. I see Jin rushing into the room with his dad who has all his medical supplies.

*Jin POV*

Jimin was very pale and looked dead. He wasn't moving much until he saw me.

"Who did this to you?" I ask as my dad lays them down on a clean blanket.

"Chanyeol" Yoongi says. I watch as he takes the bullet out of Yoongi, I couldn't stand it so I went outside. Namjoon pulled up and got out of his car.

"Jin are you okay?" He asks.

"No, Yoongi and Jimin were shot..." I say beginning to cry. He hugs me for a moment the goes inside.

*Yoongi POV*

I held Jimin's hand as we talked.

"Once your better do you want to go on another vacation?" I ask.

"Of course, with Hyunwoo though" He says, he was dying.

"We will be happy, maybe we could move to Busan" I say. He nods and begins to cry. I brush his tears away. He looks at me smiling. My heart hurt so much. I give him a kiss.

"I love you" He says, his body goes limp and the smile falls from his face. I hold his hand with a tight grip not wanting to let go. I set his hand down and close his eyes accepting what happened. I didn't want to believe that he died. I was eyeing the surgical knife. I want to do die, the love of my life is dead. I can't live with this. I'm not weak, I'm strong... this is just my breaking point.

*Namjoon POV*

I stepped inside and saw jin's dad covering Jimin with blanket. I knew Jimin died when I saw that. Yoongi was struggling to stay awake. Jin came back inside sobbing.

*Yoongi, Jimin is dead" Jin's dad says. Yoongi starts sobbing, he knew. Out of nowhere he lunges and grabs a surgical knife.

"You could have saved him!" He yells. I then presses the blade to his chest

"Put the knife down. You have plenty to live for" Jin says.

"Like what, Jimin is dead there is no point in living any more" He says.

"Hyunwoo" I say. He looks at me then at Jimin.

"What would Jimin want you to do" I say.

"That doesn't matter, he's dead" He says. I couldn't say anything else, I just stood there.

*Yoongi POV*

"Take care of Hyunwoo" I say. I roll up my sleeve and press the blade on the vein. I pressed down and pulled the blade back. The room darkened and I collapsed on the cold bloody floor. When I was a kid I knew I was going to die here I just didn't know how... now I know.

 now I know

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My mom dragged me by the ear into the room, she chained me to the ceiling. I cried and begged her to let me go. I was only eight and I knew what was going on.

"I'm your son! Don't you love me?" I cry.

"You like boys, that is not okay. You are a disgrace to the family" She says taking the whip and hitting me repeatedly on the back. I cried out for help but yet again no one heard me. My sister was sitting in front of me heating up the metal rod.

"I trusted you" he cry.

"You shouldn't have" she says.

"No" I whimpered as she stood up and pressed the tip onto my bare skin. She hit me with the burning rod. It hurt so much. Once the rod cooled she took knife and heated it up. Mom cheered her on and she cut into me. I passed out from the pain.

I woke up on the floor covered in my own blood. It was dark and my "family" was gone. My sister left clothed out for me. I put them on and ran to Hoseok's house. I pounded on the door.

"Yoongi" Hoseok says surprised.

"Help me" I cry. He lets me in then calls for his dad.

"What happened?" He asks. I take off my shirt and show him.

Time skip

I was a senior in high school now. It was my birthday so I knew my parents had something planned, but I had something planned as well. As soon as school was over I walked to the butcher shop and pulled out the knife I hid in my backpack. My parents had everything they had ever used to torture me out on the table. I was going to die. I revealed the knife scaring them a little. They laughed nervously. This was going to be easy. My dad punched me in the face but when he came at me I stabbed him the heart, he died instantly. My mom tried running but she was too slow. I threw the knife at her head and killed her. I was now out of danger all I needed to do was hide the body.

I never told Hoseok that I killed them I just told him that they left me because I was now old enough to take of myself.

I knew my life would be better if I got that orange haired boy named Jimin to be mine, but he saw me kill so I don't know how I will ever do it. Maybe I will just get lucky.

I lay on the cold dark floor dead staring at Jimin. I got wanted wanted, him. He spoke to me.

"I love you" he says, it was like an echo. His voice was angelic and nice. On the inside he was crying and he knew. He started singing If You by Big Bang, it calmed me down a little. I had never hear him sing, it was beautiful. I wanted to hug and kiss him but I couldn't move, after all I was dead. We are both dead. After he finished the song I felt nothing and the world faded away. I was truly dead now.

Thanks for reading this book I put a lot of work into it. You can check out my Namjin fafic when I put it up, it's called Book Boy. I am working hard on that one as well, there won't be as many spelling errors in that one. This book was so much fun to write, you probably think I'm crazy with all the torture and graphic descriptions of it. My Namjin won't have torture in it but it is your stereotypical Namjin fanfic. Jin owns a book shop and Namjoon works at a coffee store, but those are good. Also in the later future I will have a Yoonkook fanfic and a bts imagines. I don't know when those will be up probably around this time next year.

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